Trouble Charting New Pens

It appears that the main problem is with the query that is supposed to return the new key value for inserted rows. Postgres has only recently added support for “returning autogenerated keys”, but before that we had to query the latest sequence value for the new id. The problem is that the query tries to use the column quote character around the column name, and that doesn’t work here.

So, you could try the following:

  1. Go to Database>Drivers in the gateway.
  2. Click on “Translators”
  3. Edit the postgres translator, and remove the column quote character (just make it blank).
  4. Save

The problem, though, is that this might interfere with queries that require the quote char to be in place. If that’s the case, your other option is to upgrade the Postgres JDBC driver:

  1. Download the file that I’ve put up on our server here (postgres-9.0-801.jdbc4.jar)
  2. Place that in the directory: {install dir}\contexts\main\jdbc. Delete the old Postgres file.
  3. Restart your gateway to load the new file instead.
  4. Edit the translator as before, but this time select “Supports returning auto-generated keys”.
    This should also work. In this case, you can still have the column quote character set.

Hope this helps,