Inductive Automation Blog
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from Inductive Automation
Ignition 8.1.13: Gateway Improvements, Alarm Notification Update, and More Perspective Goodness
As we bid 2021 adieu, Ignition 8.1.13 rounds out the year with improvements to the gateway, alarming, and Perspective, along with other great updates.
Ignition 8.1.11: Perspective Updates, Identity Provider Redundancy, Tag Diagnostics & More
With Ignition 8.1.11 pulling into the station, Perspective continues to get new features, Identity Providers get redundancy support, tags receive diagnostic updates, and so much more. ...
Ignition 8.1.2: Perspective UI and Component Property Updates, and Store-and-Forward System Tags
The release train for Ignition 8 continues to deliver stability and quality-of-life improvements to our users. Ignition 8.1.2 focuses on minor updates to the Perspective Module and Sys...
Ignition 8.1.1: Improvements to Commissioning, Gateway Interface, Designer Find/Replace & Performance
We’re hot on the heels of 8.1.0’s release and the trains keep pushing along! As mentioned during the ICC Developer Panel, we’re spending more time in 8.1 polishing and refining existin...
Ignition 8.1.0: Long-Term Support, Perspective Workstation, Perspective Symbols, Power Chart & Much More
Ignition 8.1 is here! With it comes two trains' worth of cargo. This post will be a bit longer than normal since we have a lot of ground to cover. Let’s take a look at what's new. ...
Ignition 8.0.16: Tag Editor Permissions, Perspective Inactivity Timeout, Vision Updates
Our newest release, 8.0.16, just arrived at the station, bringing with it some improvements to the Tag Editor, Perspective Sessions, and the Vision Module. Read on further to learn mor...
Ignition 8.0.13: Tag Permissions, Project Exports, Certificates, and Themes
It’s been full steam ahead for the development team here at Inductive Automation as they work on bringing more features and improvements to Ignition. Our newest arrival, Ignition 8.0.1...