General - 7.9.2 ========================================================================================== Installers Fixed - For Linux/OSX, installer now installs jre-tmp folder (required for Edge) in correct folder if using non-default install directory. Ignition Platform - 7.9.2 ========================================================================================== Designer Fixed - Invalid characters in imported resource names are stripped out. Fixed - Translation imports now handle regional variants correctly Fixed - UDT bindings that define their type without a specific provider, such as "CustomType", will accept dropped bindings from any tag provider, local or remote. Fixed - Complex property types (UDT bindings) were loading all sub nodes of the editor tree, resulting in significant performance issues on systems with many tag providers, many UDT types, or remote providers. Fixed - Improved module dependency checking for Ignition Designer. Modified Functionality - Improved rollback workflow to avoid unneeded project saves. Fixed - Fixed system.gui.transform calls for use in mouseDragged events. Fixed - Fixed grammar in tip of the day Fixed - Changing the case of a folder name in under Data Types can cause the folder to disappear until the tag provider or gateway is restarted. SQLTags Fixed - Inconsistencies with path interpretation causing confusion with tag history and issues with remote historian providers. Fixed - UDT definitions and UDT instance definitions no longer count towards tag limit restrictions. Fixed - Modified locking in key/value log filter system to improve overall system performance. Added Functionality - Option on internal tag provider to keep all properties of a tag resident in memory, in order to improve performance when frequent reads of non-basic properties are required. Fixed - Subscriptions to gateway system tags that are made before the tags are created (such as through expressions, or as the driving tag of a scan class) break the tags, causing them to not work and appear as folders. Fixed - Overridden values of array tags in UDTs aren't loaded correctly in subsequent tag loads. Fixed - Tag script error status doesn't update from bad to good when script is edited and fixed. Fixed - Tag limit licenses now handle deleting folders correctly. Fixed - UDT definitions not updating correctly over remote providers, changes in source do not reliably get reflected in the remote provider. Fixed - String tags do not expose status properties about alarms. Added Functionality - Tag Diagnostic feature does not work on gateway status tags. Gateway Fixed - Gateway no longer generates an unusually large SQLite config.idb file on system startup. Gateway .gwbk backup files are now compacted as they are generated. Fixed - Alarm Status "Allow Ack" checkbox setting under Remote Service Security was not being checked, allowing a remote Gateway to always acknowledge alarms over the Gateway Network. Fixed - Alarm Notification "Accessible Pipeline Filter" setting under Remote Service Security was not restricting alarm notification pipelines. Note that if this setting is left blank, all notification pipelines will be available to remote Gateways. Fixed - The Connected Devices gauge on the Device Status page should now take into account devices with numerous connections. Fixed - Tag details status page now shows correct data Fixed - New voice modules no longer get moved to quarantine on start up. Fixed - Fixed issue that could cause publishing resources in a certain order to not trigger an update of the client. Fixed - Prevent datasource connection timeouts when attempting to retrieve the connection during a reconnecting state. Fixed - Removed unnecessary query warning from AD/DB Hybrid user source. Fixed - Improved browser interoperability for log configuration dropdown. Gateway Network Fixed - Subscription validation for multiple remote tag providers on one gateway was failing to check all providers, resulting in potentially stale tag values after disconnect or other unexpected event. Misc Fixed - Guarding against a ConcurrentModificationException while viewing expensive queries on the database status page Fixed - Renaming a datasource will update the corresponding historian name, regardless of case. Gateway Web Interface Fixed - Fixed NPE in empty optional AD/DB hybrid queries Fixed - Fixed AD logger's MissingFormatArgumentException Fixed - Handling non-faulted states on the Gateway Database status details page. Fixed - Links & Loading animation is no longer displayed for non-existent TCP Driver status page. Fixed - Fixed typo in SFC Transition tooltip. Fixed - Replaced Gateway feedback panel warn/error colored backgrounds. Fixed - CPU and memory charts on System Performance status page never updated unless the browser window was refreshed. Now the charts automatically update once per minute. Fixed - Menu auto-refreshes if modules are added/removed. Fixed - Fixed EAM config menu bug. Expressions Fixed - No longer attempting to expand tag values of type Dataset. Native Client Launchers Fixed - Windows native client launchers were unable to use a JRE in a /jre folder next to clientlauncher.exe. Added Functionality - Local fallback Gateway option has now been added to native launchers. The configured local fallback Gateway is used if the configured primary/backup Gateways cannot be contacted after a specified number of connect attempts. Scripting Fixed - Tag event scripts would use outdated module scripting functions after a module with updated function implementations was installed. Fixed - system.tag.queryTagCalculations function error when data types are mixed across requested tags. Vision - 9.9.2 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Fixed typo in tooltip of selected property for Toggle Button component. Fixed - Fixed race condition that could cause NPE in console when using the Template Canvas component. Fixed - Prevent User Management component from displaying password errors when adding a new user to AD/DB Hybrid user sources. Fixed - All Days time now saves when changed in Schedule Management component. Designer Fixed - Stopped the Designer from staying in Preview Mode when a chart component throws an exception due to improper setup. Fixed - Publish selected dialog now updates correctly when a new project is opened. Misc Added Functionality - Added script function system.gui.getCurrentDesktop. Client Fixed - Local client fallback would sometimes accidentally trigger when a client was switching between a redundant master and a backup. Fixed - Cell update bindings were not working when used with template dataset parameter values. OPC-UA - 4.9.2 ========================================================================================== Server Fixed - Writing null to OPC-UA logs misleading/unnecessary NPE warning Ignition Integration Added Functionality - Added system.device.getDeviceHostname scripting function Client Fixed - Revert the behavior of zero-rate subscriptions: the subscription and its monitored items will be deleted instead of publishing mode and monitoring mode being set to disabled. SFC - 3.9.2 ========================================================================================== Misc Added Functionality - New getVariables() scripting functions for getting SFC chart scope. Engine Fixed - Race condition in tag() expression function can leave SFC transitions that use the function in a "false" state indefinitely Added Functionality - Added SFC Flight Data Recorder Siemens Driver - 4.9.2 ========================================================================================== Siemens S7 Driver Fixed - fixed a bug that caused writes to unsigned bytes to be restricted to the range of a signed byte. Tag Historian - 2.9.2 ========================================================================================== Misc Fixed - Tag Historian module now has a minimum required platform version of 7.9.1 Modbus Driver - 5.9.2 ========================================================================================== Modbus Driver v2 Fixed - Limiting the warnings given by drivers that are rescheduling subscriptions. Added Functionality - Added 'Max Retry Count' setting. Enterprise Administration - 2.9.2 ========================================================================================== EAM Added Functionality - EAM Backup Archive table's 'module' column now hides module list by default to reduce clutter. Added Functionality - Remote system upgrade functionality is now available for EAM agent Gateways. This functionality is only available for agents currently running 7.9. Gateway Network Fixed - Upon Gateway Network disconnect and reconnect, remote tag providers would throw a TimeoutExpiredException and would not recover. Fixed - A Gateway Network outgoing web socket that failed to connect would not close its socket file handle on Linux systems, which could result in file handle exhaustion over a long period of time. Fixed - Gateway Network outgoing connections in long polling mode (websockets turned off) was not displaying the round trip ping time. Fixed - The logging min level dropdown would not update to the selected level on some pages. Alarm Notification - 4.9.2 ========================================================================================== Alarm SMS Fixed - Fixed a parse error in the Twilio notification profile when using throttled messages. Allen-Bradley Drivers - 4.9.2 ========================================================================================== Logix v21 Driver Fixed - Fixed a bug that caused some structures to show up as an empty folder when browsed. Fixed - Preventing RejectedExecutionException on Logix driver restart. Reporting - 4.9.2 ========================================================================================== Components Fixed - Show Utility prop for PDF Viewer now works when window is opened. Report Engine Fixed - Fixed error where some reports had problems serializing schedules. Report Designer Fixed - Shared scripts now work in runScript expressions in reports. Fixed - Importing and exporting reports now show the folder structure of the resource. Fixed - Fixed incorrect schedule descriptions. Fixed - Designer project tree rejects invalid names, gives better error message, allows unicode characters in most names.