Connecting to Visual FoxPro Database (.DBC File)

This is just a follow-up for anyone who may be faced with the same issue.
I was able to get the JStels JBDC driver to work, and get a good data connection to our FoxPro database tables.
The steps were essentially:
[li] Download the evaluation copy of the DBF driver from[/li]
[li] Extract the .jar file into some location on your computer (the other jdbc drivers in Ignition are in this folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Inductive Automation\Ignition\contexts\main\jdbc)[/li]
[li]In the Configure > Database > Drivers link of the Ignition Gateway, enter this into the Classname field with no parentheses: (jstels.jdbc.dbf.DBFDriver)[/li]
[li]Upload your .jar file[/li]
[li]Enter the URL Format. This will depend upon where the DBF files are. If they are on the same computer as Ignition, in a folder called, say, “C:\IATest” then enter with no parentheses (jdbc:jstels:dbf:c:/IATest). In my case, the database was on another server computer that was shared on our corporate LAN. In that case, I had to use the following syntax with no parentheses: (jdbc:jstels:dbf:cache://smb://admin:adminPW@ServerName/Shared_Folder_Filepath). In this case, you need to know the name of the admin user profile and the associated password. Put those in where “admin:adminPW” are. Then the @ sign and then the filepath of the folder in the shared location.[/li]
[li]In the Default Validation Query Field, enter something like: (SELECT * FROM “dbf.dbf”) and make sure there’s a file actually called dbf.dbf, or whatever filename you use. And yes, use the double quotes in the syntax.[/li]
[li]Save that & then go to Configure > Database > Connections link in Ignition Gateway. Open a new connection and insert the same URL Format as was in step 5 above.[/li]
[li]Check “Show Advanced Properties” and change Initial Size, Max Active, Max Idle, and Min Idle to 1 for all entries.[/li]
[li]Save and cross your fingers. If the Connection is Faulted, you may get a clue by clicking on the Database Connection Status link. If not, the tech support at is almost as good as Inductive Automation’s tech support.[/li][/ol]

Good luck!