The Unlimited SCADA Platform of the Future is Here

Meet Ignition
With Ignition, you can seamlessly collect all your data, design any type of industrial application with ease, and instantly web-deploy clients to anyone, anywhere. Ignition acts as the hub for everything in your system, from plant floor equipment to SQL databases, seamlessly bridging the gap between production and IT.

Unlimited Licensing
For the affordable cost of one Ignition server license, you get an unlimited number of clients, tags, connections, and designers so you can build the exact system you need, without limits. Get your whole company connected for a fraction of what some other solutions cost, and put those savings back toward development, manpower, and expansion.
Unlimited Possibilities
Ignition is a powerful integrated development environment with everything you need to create virtually any kind of industrial application – SCADA, IIoT, MES and beyond – all on one platform.

Easily control, forget, display, and analyze your processes.

Make your data more accessible and efficient with MQTT.

Track your production, manage recipes, calculate OEE, and more.

Build optimized screens to monitor and control your machinery.

Build complex alarming systems with ease and get notifications instantly.

Easily create and deliver dynamic, database-driven industrial reports.

Edge Computing
Capture and visualize critical data at the remote edge of your network.

Empower your teams with better data to make smarter decisions.

Build mobile-responsive industrial applications using HTML5.
Inductive Automation by the Numbers
Inductive Automation created Ignition software in 2010 and has been using it ever since to help industrial organizations around the world improve the efficiency of their industrial automation systems.
Years in
the industry0%
Fortune 100
companies using Ignition0+
Countries with
Ignition installationsOfficial Ignition Distributor
To best support our global community of Ignition users, Inductive Automation has partnered with several international distributors. The official distributor of Ignition products and support services in your area is Clarien Solutions.