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Ignition Release Notes

Fixes, changes and features In Ignition

Version 8.1.14

Released January 27, 2022
Change Type

Designer Launcher

Added a "Go to Gateway" link in the Designer launcher
The Designer Launcher now properly shows when a Gateway needs to be commissioned.


Fixed a bug which would cause large Binary Output point writes (1801+ at the same time) to fail


Resolved issue where multiple OPC DA client connections would see bad/not connected tag qualities over time, or not reconnect correctly after server disconnection.


Fixed reading tags from 7.9 remote tag provider in Quick Client.


Visualization - Web
Column Container - mouse movement behavior of child components within the Column Container within the Designer has been greatly improved.
Visualization - Web
All views are now able to respond to dynamic changes to width/height.
Visualization - Web
The perspective download scripting function now interacts with the mobile apps directly to ensure that download requests function as expected and can be saved to the local device. Requires version 1.0.2 of the mobile apps.
Visualization - Web
This issue was resolved for DB historians early in 8.1. While debugging, it looks like DB historians will rebuild their cache of historical tags when a new historical tag is added. _Not the case_ with internal historians, so this was still needed. This work adds the ability to requery the tags that are to be shown in the tag browser at a certain historical path **ONLY** if there is a value for the ""config.tagBrowserStartPath"" component property. These are the following scenarios that will trigger this requery: 1. When the Power Chart first loads in the designer/session and makes the initial query to fetch historical results to display in the tag browser. 2. When the ""config.tagBrowserStartPath"" component property changes. 3. When the user clicks the ![](image1.png) (refresh) icon on the tag browser.
Visualization - Web
Implement runtime column drag reordering for Table, Alarm Status Table, and Alarm Journal Table
Visualization - Web
Add column configurations for associated data to both Alarm Journal Table and Alarm Status Table.
Visualization - Web
XYChart properties, add axis label vertical and horizontal centering, allow advanced free form configuration that allows additional properties. See docs.
Visualization - Web
Updating a views default size in the designer now updates its selection overlay
Visualization - Web
Resolve Table component error that occurs when the last row is deleted while editing a cell of that last row
Visualization - Web
Resolve issue where alarm tables were failing to query alarms due to an index out of bounds exception being thrown, originating from use of non-thread safe date formatter. Possibly resolves reports of intermittent inaccuracies with alarm event activeTime being observed in the alarm table.
Visualization - Web
Now, a non-historical tag path like "[default]_Simulator_/Sine/Sine0" is converted to a historical format like "histprov:default:/tag:_Simulator_/Ramp/Ramp0" for each pen. Any updates to the pen done via the UI will write the converted (historical) path back to the "data.source" property of the pen. This keeps all of the "data.source" properties of the pens in a historical format while still allowing an initial non-historical tag path to add pen data to the chart display.
Visualization - Web
Improve front-end performance of Designer selection and component interaction
Visualization - Web
Fix Table mouseover highlight getting stuck on top row when mouse leaves the component.

Platform - Auditing

Audit Log Queries via "system.util.queryAuditLog()" and _Vision Binding Function_ now include the "Actor Host" field in the returned dataset.

Platform - Databases + S&F

Data Model
Increased the SQLite busy timeout for the local historian, audit log, and alarm journal database. This timeout is now 30 seconds rather than the default 3 seconds.

Platform - Designer

Visualization - Swing
Pasting an empty dataset into the Dataset Editor no longer throws a ClassNotFoundException
Visualization - Swing
Double clicking on a Power Table now opens the table customizer
Visualization - Swing
Clicking on the Gateway icon in the Designer status bar now opens the connected Gateway in a browser.
Visualization - Swing
Updated the Named Query disabled icon in the Project Browser and query selector dialogs.
Visualization - Swing
Thumbnails shown in the Image Browser now scale appropriately.
Visualization - Swing
The polling rate input for SQL and Named Query bindings properly defaults to "off."

Platform - Gateway Network

- In order to improve the security and organization of the Gateway Network's trusted certificates model through ""separation of concerns"", and to gain functionality from a more mature and proven certificate model (Milo's OPC UA Client / Server Trust Lists), the Gateway Network's trusted certificates are now split into client and server certificates. - Client certificates are the certificates of peer Gateways that the current Gateway trusts when it is making outgoing connections. - Server certificates are the certificates of peer Gateways that the current Gateway trusts when it is handling incoming connections. - The new trusted certificates model is organized in a way very similar to the Milo OPC UA client and server embedded within Ignition: - Server certificates live under "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/server/security/pki/" - Client certificates live under "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/client/security/pki/" - Both client and server certificates are further organized as follows: - Trusted / Approved certificates: "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/{server|client}/security/pki/trusted/certs/" - Rejected / Quarantined certificates: "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/{server|client}/security/pki/rejected/" - Issuer (CA) certificates: "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/{server|client}/security/pki/issuers/certs/" - Certificates are encoded and stored in PEM format - On upgrade, to preserve backwards-compatibility: certificates which were previously shared by both client and server will be copied to each of the new client and server directories - Trusted / Approved certificates which previously lived in "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/certificates/gateway_network/" will be copied over to "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/{server|client}/security/pki/trusted/certs/" - Rejected / Quarantined certificates which previously lived in "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/certificates/gateway_network/quarantine/" will be copied over to "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/{server|client}/security/pki/rejected/" - Issuer (CA) certificates which previously lived as entries in the keystore file located at "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/certificates/cert-chain-store" will be copied over to "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/{server|client}/security/pki/issuers/certs/" - When the Gateway makes an outgoing connection to a peer Gateway whose certificate is not yet trusted, the peer certificate (or its certificate chain if one is configured) is copied into the "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/client/security/pki/rejected/" directory - This new model allows users to configure the Gateway Network client to trust the peer Gateways on outgoing connections by moving the certificate on the filesystem from "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/client/security/pki/rejected/" to "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/client/security/pki/trusted/certs/". This filesystem change will be picked up immediately by the Gateway and the connection will be trusted when it attempts to reconnect again. This was not easily possible before. - The same goes for the case where a Gateway handles an incoming connection, except the directory is under "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/server/" instead of "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/client/". The Gateway Network config UI's Incoming Connections tab was made compatible with this new model so that incoming connection certificates may continue to be approved, denied, or deleted there. - The keystore at "$GATEWAY_HOME/webserver/metro-keystore" continues to be used as the source for the private key and certificate used by both the Gateway Network client and server for the purposes of authenticating itself to its peer. - These changes only apply for Gateway Network connections over SSL / TLS (default port 8060). For the Gateway Network client making outgoing connections, two-way authentication must be enabled as well. - All certificates and files / folders under "$GATEWAY_HOME/data/gateway-network/" are included in Gateway backups and restored upon restoration of such backups.
Gateway Network Proxying Depth is now configured via the Gateway Configuration Webpage UI. The previous checkbox for "Allow Proxying" has been replaced with the numeric depth count (where <= 0 is "disabled" and > 0 is "enabled"). Previous values of the "ignition.gan.maxproxydepth" system property are absorbed into this new configuration field (if "Allow Proxying" was enabled) on upgrade.

Platform - IdP + User Sources

Fixed an "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Delegate is not set" warning Gateway log message when logging out of a Perspective Project which requires authentication due to inactivity
Fixed an issue where IdP login from a vision client, designer, or perspective mobile app could throw a 500 internal server error if the gateway URL scheme or hostname is configured with non-lowercase characters
The event where a user in a user source profile transitions from a state of unlocked to locked out is now audited to the Gateway Audit Profile if such a profile is configured
Refactored the login failure messages in the internal IdP to be less misleading for the case where the user is locked out

Platform - Redundancy

Alarm shelf did not stay synchronized between redundant nodes under certain conditions. Also fixed a ConcurrentModificationException when opening the alarm shelf on a client.

Platform - Scripting

Scheduled scripts now use a cached thread pool and per-script execution queues. This facilitates parallel execution of scheduled scripts within a project--useful for both longer running scripts and situations where multiple scripts have the same schedule. A given scheduled script will enqueue and wait for any previous invocations to complete before running again.
Project update gateway event script now reports which resources were modified during project save
The documentation for scripting function invokeAsynchronous has been updated to reflect a proper return type.

Platform - Tags

Data Model
Added better error message when an invalid tagType is specified for system.tag.configure().
Data Model
Fixed issue where writing to an alarm configuration property would replace all existing alarm configurations with the single configuration being modified.
Data Model
Colors can now be stored in Datasets again with additional functionality to add colors to datasets via the UI.
Data Model
You can now read readOnly, readPermission, and writePermission properties from 7.9 remote tag provider.

Platform - Web Interface

Visualization - Web
Fix issue occurring with Perspective status pages where page fails to display when a component's name is empty while gathering session info


Visualization - Swing
Dashed lines no longer show as solid in Reporting PDFs.
Visualization - Swing
No longer throwing an exception when adding a row or column after a merged cell in the Reporting simple table component.
Visualization - Swing
Ordering of report parameter and data source keys in Key Browser now match the Data tab
Visualization - Swing
Enabling a page break per row for a Reporting table group no longer returns only a single row of data.
Visualization - Swing
Tooltips in Reporting property tables now render properly.
Visualization - Swing
Added a right-click context menu to the Vision File Explorer with a refresh option


Data Model
Fixed a race condition which would cause "Timer already cancelled" errors to occur when SFCs execute runScript expressions.

Tag Historian

Data Model
Internal historian data is now synced properly if historical values contain a repeating tag path for the same syncid.
Data Model
Clarified description for system.tag.queryTagDensity scripting function.


Visualization - Swing
Binding Vision Pie Chart data with a SQL query while using By Row extract order no longer throws an NPE.
Visualization - Swing
Changing the Fill Background property of a Vision Radio Button now takes effect immediately
Visualization - Swing
Fixed a null pointer exception thrown when opening Vision windows with invalid BasicQualifiedValue objects serialized into them.
Visualization - Swing
Scrollbar width can now be set on Vision client startup when touchscreen is enabled/disabled.
Visualization - Swing
Status chart y-axis is sorted alphanumerically when using string values in tall mode.
Visualization - Swing
The layout of the Schedule Management component now matches the first day of the week given the local timezone in a Vision Client.
Visualization - Swing
The User Management component no longer shows uncommitted changes when editing multiple users.
Visualization - Swing
The Vision Popup Calendar drop down button is no longer from the 80’s
Visualization - Swing
The Vision Spinner component now properly switches to and from Date Mode.
Visualization - Swing
The Vision Week and Month View component calendars now consistently update the current date when left open overnight.
Visualization - Swing
Added the ability to change the alignment of the Alarm Journal and Alarm Status table components.
Visualization - Swing
Added the ability to change the font of the Alarm Journal table.
Visualization - Swing
Now exposing color properties for the Vision Roster Management component
Visualization - Swing
Alarm status table maintains footer display settings as note area properties are changed