Your Privacy Choices

We do not sell your personal information in exchange for monetary value. However, Inductive Automation may share your personal information with other companies that support our business, such as marketing and advertising partners. This exchange may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” under California law, and you have the right to opt out of this “sale” or “sharing” of personal information. Please use the below options to opt out of the use of your personal information for “sale” and "sharing" purposes, as defined by California law. For more information about how Inductive Automation processes and discloses your personal information, please see our  Privacy Policy.

"Sale" and "Sharing" Third-Party Cookies

When you visit this website, Inductive Automation uses cookies to enhance and understand your website experience. You may use the below toggle to opt out of the disclosure of your personal information via third-party cookies for “sale” and "sharing.” Please note that changes to your permission settings will only be reflected on your current browser and device.

"Sale" and "Sharing" third-party cookies are turned off

Other "Sale" and "Sharing" Disclosures

We may hold information about you in our systems that may be shared with third parties for “sale” and "sharing" purposes outside of third-party cookies.

To opt-out, please either submit a request using the form below or send an email at

Please complete all required fields.