Ignition Release Notes
Fixes, changes and features In Ignition
Version 8.1.15
Released March 1, 2022Area
Change Type
AB Suite
Prevent the accumulation of Requests and long delays before execution while driver is not connected. This had impacts on memory usages and read/write timeouts from scripting.
Alarm Notification
Data Model
Fixed an issue where alarm events within remote pipelines wouldn’t be monitored for future event updates if event transitioned to another pipeline through use of a jump block.
Designer Launcher
Improved diagnostic/troubleshooting info available on the launchers when connecting to a new gateway.
EAM controller alarm pipeline changes now take effect immediately. Before, a module restart was required for pipeline changes to take effect.
Java - Azul
Updated the bundled java runtime to version
Modbus address config page now includes the device name in the page header
Errored values from OPC-DA (indicated by a warning message such as 'Errored values were received for some items in the subscription') can prevent future good values from being processed, leaving tags in a bad quality state until restarted.
Fixed extra quotes around DNS names in OPC UA server certificate.
NJ, FINS, and DNP3: prevent the accumulation of Requests and long delays before execution while driver is not connected. This had impacts on memory usages and read/write timeouts from scripting.
Support coercion of primitive arrays to ByteString when writing to tags or calling methods with ByteString type input arguments.
Visualization - Web
Reverted most of IGN-1915 but kept the cosmetic additions to the dropdown component.
Visualization - Web
Optimized map transforms which were spiking thread counts in the perspective-worker pool during view startup.
Visualization - Web
Significantly improved performance when importing complex projects in the designer.
Visualization - Web
Simple Gauge Component: 3 new props added to props.label - offsetX, offsetY, and color. offsetX and offsetY are used for moving the label relative to its original position of middle-bottom and color specifies the fill color of the text within the label. For advanced users - additional props specified in props.label are automatically forwarded to AMCharts's Label Component, allowing for functionality beyond what is defined in the Perspective component schema.
Visualization - Web
The Alarm Status Table Component will now preserve column widths when selecting a row, or switching between "active" and "shelved" tabs.
Visualization - Web
The One Shot Button Component with confirm enable will no longer error out at certain sizes and zoom levels.
Visualization - Web
The value of a Dropdown Component will no longer be cut off when the component is thin and search is enabled.
Visualization - Web
added a stopPropagation property to vector shapes and markers on the Map component in order to allow the user to determine how events should propagate between the children of the map component and the parent map component itself
Visualization - Web
Added Pointer events as a supported component event now that they are supported by all of Perspectives supported browsers. Pointer events will track touch interactions as well as stylus and pen interactions. **NOTE:** Pointer events have only recently become available to all of our supported browsers. For this reason, these events may not be available in older versions of Safari and Firefox. If the events are not working in those instances, it is recommended to upgrade the browser to the most current version.
Visualization - Web
The configuration possibilities of the Map components GeoJSON layers has been expanded to allow style options for GeoJSON feature objects. The default schema of Polygon, Polyline, Rectangle, and Circle layers has been changed to align with how GeoJSON features are configured, and to help make configuration more straight forward. See docs for more.
Visualization - Web
Two new props were added to TextField, TextArea, and PasswordField. props.autoComplete, and props.name. They are both used for the browser's built in autoComplete functionality. Compliance and use by browsers varies greatly and may require some trial and setup within the browser to get working. Suggested values are given, but not all valid values are suggested via the props. Experimentation with specific browsers may be required to get the desired effect. See <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/autocomplete>. In addition autocomplete="off" has been hardcoded for the Dropdown component's search input. A future enhancement may implement the autocomplete prop/HTML attribute for the Dropdown Component, but is not yet implemented.
Visualization - Web
Prevented an error that would prevent Perspective from loading in older versions of Chrome that don't support Promise.finally.
Visualization - Web
Perspective's map transform now correctly supports qualities on returned values
Visualization - Web
Missing or unregistered components by external authors no longer cause an opened view in the Designer to never load.
Visualization - Web
Map vector and marker click event position properties no longer missing, a regression fix.
Visualization - Web
In indirect tag binding property reference will now return NOT_FOUND if the value of the property is empty.
Visualization - Web
Fixed various UI tooltips in Perspective
Visualization - Web
Fixed issue with versions 57-60 of Chromium where Perspective was not able to load views that were referencing the DOMRect class
Visualization - Web
Fixed issue that could cause bindings (and transforms) to execute many times when looking at array properties that are being re-written.
Visualization - Web
Fixed a Null Pointer Exception that occurs when a Perspective view's view.json is corrupted or invalid (0kb) which had prevented the listing of all applications- even ones with a valid view.json- within Perspective Workstation. An error will still be present in the logs on startup if a project has a view is in this state, indicating which project and views were affected. It is possible to delete/recreate the affected views within the Designer.
Visualization - Web
Disabling a Dropdown Component when the dropdown is active will no longer result in the dropdown becoming unusable when it becomes no longer disabled.
Visualization - Web
Changes made to a GeoJSON layer of the Map component are now visualized in the map.
Platform - Alarms
Data Model
Fixed an issue that allowed acknowledged alarm events to still be acknowledged again. In addition, changed the `system.alarm.acknowledge` function to return a `Set` of alarm event ids (UUIDs) that were unable to be acknowledged successfully.
Data Model
Fixed an issue where duplicate paths were being listed for remote shelved alarms when the gateway has more than one remote tag provider defined. This affects the alarm status table component in Vision and Perspective as well as the system.alarm.getShelvedPaths() function.
Platform - Auditing
Optimized audit log data so that these entries are grouped together when inserted into S&F memory buffer.
Platform - Databases + S&F
Data Model
Prevent Store and Forward from occasionally dropping historical records on database errors.
Data Model
Fixed an issue where the store and forward disk cache count was based on data points and not records.
Data Model
Fixed an issue where newly inserted tag history data within the store and forward memory buffer would always be grouped with the previous stored in the buffer, causing only a single record to ever exist in the memory buffer. This would have effectively bypassed the max record size for the buffer since all history data would always group into one record.
Platform - Designer
Visualization - Swing
Designer Error and Warning dialogs no longer appear behind modal dialogs
Visualization - Swing
The Vision dataset editor no longer throws a ClassCastException when adding new rows with columns containing Locale types.
Visualization - Swing
Fixed the layout of the Vision Alarm Journal component Filter panel from growing out of proportion when resized.
Platform - Gateway Network
Fixed an issue where Active Outgoing Tasks on a given gateway network connection might become orphaned and remain in the list when not collected by a remote gateway (due to some network issue). Also added a periodic cleanup of stale pending messages (the messages that are cached via "CallResults" for retrieval by a remote gateway, typically associated with an orphaned outgoing task).
Platform - IdP + User Sources
Added `system.user.getUserSources` scripting function to return the list of all user source profiles configured in the system
Login pages across Ignition/Perspective/Vision have been updated to display (all) common reasons for failed logins, while not displaying specific reasons due to security best practices.
Platform - Projects
Now automatically excluding .git, .hg, and .svn folders when scanning project files for changes.
Platform - Redundancy
Alarm notifications sent to a remote pipeline connected to a redundant pair would be lost from the pipeline after a redundant failover.
Platform - Scripting
Fixed an issue that would cause execution time for some scripts (that are defined via a function, such as scheduled scripts) to not be properly recorded in the `scripts.project-XXXX.execute` metric. Previously, only the defining of the function was being attributed to the execution time (after compilation), not the actual invocation itself.
Fixed an issue where a gateway message handler returning a data structure containing a database query result dataset would block and error when consumed from designer/client scope.
Ignition Gateway would not start for some locales, such as Turkish.
Platform - Security Model
The user inactivity timeout value on the Gateway Web Interface > Config > Security > General page now limits the acceptable range of values to -150,000,000 to 150,000,000 to prevent setting to a value which could cause an underflow or overflow, preventing the web interface from loading. The cache validation timeout value on the Gateway Web Interface > Config > Security > Users, Roles page now limits the acceptable range of values to -9,000,000,000 to 9,000,000,000 to prevent setting to a value which could cause user source profiles to fail returning its list of users and roles
Platform - Web Interface
Visualization - Web
OPC Quick Client doesn't properly manage subscriptions across multiple servers
Visualization - Web
The `ua-parser-js` library was updated to the most current version
Platform - Web Server
Large views are no longer are subject to the websocket maximum message size limit when loading in the designer.
Visualization - Swing
Reports generating CSV files now preserve non-ASCII characters.
Data Model
The SFC legend can now be properly viewed in the Designer and SFC Monitor component.
Visualization - Swing
Vision Client retargets now launch the new client with the correct settings for different editions as well as the condensed dialog font option if specified ensuring that edition specific features match the requirements of the new client.
Visualization - Swing
Setting the value property of a Cylindrical Tank or Level Indicator component no longer throws a read only attribute error
Visualization - Swing
In the Designer's Vision Workspace, component security and security action qualifiers now show roles under the Authenticated/Roles node of the security level tree configured at Gateway Web Interface > Config > Security > Security Levels when the project's authentication strategy is set to IdP.
Visualization - Swing
Fixed reading and writing to the Easy Chart.xTraceTrackMouse property in bindings
Visualization - Swing
Fixed an issue where using the fully qualified value property of a tag in a tag binding on a Color or Paint property would throw an error.
Visualization - Swing
Dropping a tag onto an Easy Chart will use the tag's engineering units when creating the axis
Visualization - Swing
Client keystroke scripts no longer fire in Designer preview mode.
Visualization - Swing
Clicking a download link in the Vision Comments Panel component no longer leaves subsequent downloads unusable.
Visualization - Swing
Added missing property descriptions for Vision components