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Ignition Release Notes

Fixes, changes and features In Ignition

Version 8.1.26

Released March 23, 2023
Change Type

Alarm Notification

Added a "Delete" option on the alarm pipeline block context menu.


Improved the gateway control utility's error handling; more descriptive errors are returned and errors will consistently return exit code 1 to facilitate automation.
IEC61850 driver no longer installs by default on upgrades


Fixed issue where opening template script from Find/Replace results failed if no Vision resources were open. Double-clicking on results caused NPE error and prevented opening of template and editor
Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException being displayed when modifying Designer translations.
Updated Batik library dependencies to version 1.16 in order to address multiple CVEs
Fixed an issue where the 'Required Client Roles' autocomplete would show hints for the old user source after a change was made.
Fixed the autocomplete hints in the Required Designer Roles section of the project properties to properly reflect the system user source or identity provider.
Updated the Project Browser with the following: * New menus and badge icons for inherited and overridden resources * For overridden resources, the "Delete" context menu is now replaced with "Discard Overrides" * Added ability to open Named Queries as read-only * Removed Paste menu item from the context menu of Stylesheet Nodes * Added tooltips showing the inheritance hierarchy when mouse is over the inheritance icon
Fixed a problem introduced with IGN-183 for NamedQuery readonly mode. Controls that provided input (textfield, eg) were not correctly enabled/disabled in non-readonly mode.
Fixed the tooltip for the Cache Query Result checkbox for Named Query.


Docker image now defaults to non-root user (UID/GID 2003). Migration steps will be required for existing data volumes, see documentation for details.


Set an `Uncertain_LastUsableValue` StatusCode on existing MonitoredItems during shutdown.

EAM & Redundancy

Gateway Network
Fixed an issue where some EAM properties might not get applied as expected when using environment variable configuration.
Gateway Network
This change adds a try catch and logs an exception that can be thrown when an EAM controller and agent connect.
Gateway Network
Fixed the Gateway system name containing brackets from causing a redundant connection to fault.

Gateway Network

Gateway Network
Outgoing gateway network connections now have a description field that can be populated by the user.
Gateway Network
The metro.CentralManager.MessageRouting logger will now log the data contained in each gateway network message when the logger is set to TRACE.

Java - Azul

Upgraded bundled JRE to 11.0.18


Platform Core
Fixed an exception being thrown on Gateway shutdown when trying to access the License manager.
Platform Core
Remote pipelines now remain active when the Gateway is in trial mode while using Edge Sync.


Platform Core
Fixed a bookkeeping issue tracking licensed device count when restarting a driver module.


Fixed a vulnerability identified at Pwn2Own event.


Platform Core
Removes long deprecated log file cleanup thread. This does not impact current logging functionality.


Fixed the issue of style classes not being correctly applied to PowerChart's title in Perspective.
Allow context menu component events to propagate, again.
Fixed an issue where the conversion of shelve time seconds to readable measurements of time would sometimes include a trailing space. This was affecting translations of these terms because the term to be translated would need to also include the trailing space. Existing translations which previously worked around this issue by supplying the extra space will need to have the space removed. The most likely terms this would effect would be "`1 hour `", "`2 hours `", and "`4 hours `".
Added ability to add new symbol states and override existing states in Perspective.
Improved Perspective property context menu consistency by removing options from the property context menu if those options would otherwise be disabled. For example, if a property has no binding in place, the context menu should not display a disabled option of "Copy Binding". This also holds true for "Paste Binding" when the clipboard does not contain a binding configuration. We previously omitted other binding options ("Disable Binding", "Remove Binding") based on the presence of an existing binding and we will now follow that logic for all binding options.
Added Designer walkthrough selection functionality via shift + click.
Improved quality overlay related performance and stopped Property Editor from refreshing each time property qualities change.
Fixed inability to interact with PieChart legend when rendered within a Carousel.
Perspective Drawing Component - Drawings Components containing radial or linear gradients that were generated before 8.1.22 ("legacy gradients") will no longer result in random HTML IDs being generated periodically ("onRender"). This prevents a Chrome browser memory leak on Perspective views containing such Drawing Components.
Fixed regression caused by Designer inline label editing, ensure label component textStyle property is applied in Designer context.
Leaflet map component click zoom and drag pan interactions are disabled while interacting with custom control views in order to prevent unintentional map interactions and interfering with control interactions.
Fixed issue of modals allowing for interaction with background views.
Fixed numeric entry fields nested in embedded views to prevent the component's spinner from overlapping entered numeric values.
Repaired the "Apply" and "Remove Filter" text of Table column filtering modals so that they are now locale-aware and will use terms defined in the Translation Manager when applicable.
Perspective Drawing Component - the `font-size` SVG attribute will now correctly be parsed as `fontSize` prop when embedding an SVG in Perspective.
Perspective Drawing Component - Drawings Components containing gradients, masks, or clipPaths referenced by id will now correctly generate unique prefixed id's when the Drawing Component is contained in an embedded views such as the Carousel. Previously id collisions caused these gradients, masks, and or clipPaths to display incorrectly within the Drawing Component.
Fixed Date Time Input regression, where seconds were not getting applied when the date was selected last.

SAML Integration

Fixed a SAML XPath regression which could cause a NPE for expression attribute mappers and security level rules


The Script Console no longer fails to load when Project Library scripts import site-packages libraries.

SQL Bridge

Data & Logic
Fixed the Transaction Group editor committing edited fields when the editor is cancelled.

Store & Forward

Tag Historian
Fixed a potential issue where a NPE would be thrown when quarantining historical data from the memory buffer to the local cache.
Tag Historian
Fixed an issue where using non default values for the Store & Forward "Only Forward From Cache" and "Forward Schedule Pattern" settings wouldn't save properly when modified from the Config webpage.

Tag Historian

Tag Historian
Fixed an issue where tag history data being sent remotely would be discarded if the forward attempt failed (e.g. timeout, security settings, trial expiration).

Tags & UDTs

UDT Parameters will correctly handle different Gateway locales.
Fixed an issue where selector icons for "OPC Item Path" and "Source Tag Path" in the tag editor wouldn't work when multiple tags were being edited at the same time.
Fixed an issue where the tag selector icon in tag event scripts wouldn't work when multiple tags were edited at the same time.
Fixed selector icons not working in the tag editor after trying to edit multiple reference tags' "Source Tag Path" at the same time.
Prevent Tag Editor exception caused by overriding Parameters from the Tag Browser.

User Sources

Fixed an issue where updating configuration for a user source would not apply to instances of that user source which are in position 2 or greater in a failover chain
Add password criteria list to user edit form and password reset page.


Now the IP Camera Viewer component uses the SSL context backed by trust store used by the vision client.
Fixed an issue that prevented scripts from writing to vision client tags when the client was in read-only mode.
Updated the autocomplete for the 'Required Client Roles' to provide hints from a mapped IdP when appropriate.
Vision Templates now accept 'running' as a valid template parameter.
Added the initialize() extension function to Web Browser Component

Web UI

Web UI
Removed a declaration that an EAM Module license is required for Internal Tag Historian Sync.
Web UI
NICs without IPV4 formatted addresses will no longer be displayed in the Environment section of the Status page.