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Ignition Release Notes

Fixes, changes and features In Ignition

Version 8.1.28

Released June 1, 2023
Change Type

Alarm Status

Fixed an issue with alarms after a gateway restart to send out alarm notifications when Notify Initial Events is set to true.


Fixed a SQLException preventing the Gateway audit logs being shown when using a SQLite database
Added user roles to auditing when adding or editing user profiles in the internal user source


Tag Historian
Fixed an issue where named queries that included double dash strings would fail to execute properly.


Overridden resource folders in the Designer now correctly match their actual overridden state in the Project Browser
Fixed an unintended behavior by removing the ability to rename the transaction group root node in the project browser
Fixed a problem with table columns in Dataset editor coming up fix-sized and not fitting to the table size.


Resolved a Wicket error that occurred when editing addresses on a disabled Omron NJ device
Added the new Mitsubishi driver to support the following MELSEC hardware series over TCP: iQ-R, iQ-F (FX5U), Q, L. Features include: manual addressing syntax for read and writing Device items, optional address mapping configurations for requesting Device items, and import/export of browsable addresses using CSV format.
Added support for the following data types in the Logix driver: DT, LDT, TIME32, TIME, LTIME.
Renamed terminology in driver tag addresses page: DNP3 - from "Path" to "Browse Path", Omron FINS - from "Tag Path" to "Browse Path", Omron NJ - from "Name" to "Browse Name".

EAM & Redundancy

Gateway Network
Changed the result of system.eam.queryAgentHistory() so that the N most recent rows be returned instead of the first N rows when using the limit parameter.
Gateway Network
Added a Max Concurrent Agents setting to the Send Project EAM task and the Send Project Resources EAM task, which fixes issues with long running EAM tasks.
Gateway Network
Fixed an issue where Send Project Resources EAM task would fail if the total size of sent resources exceeded byte limit.
Gateway Network
When scheduling EAM tasks, regular expressions starting with "/", "-", or "," will no longer be considered valid.

Gateway Network

Gateway Network
Fixed issue where gateway network would connect a proxy route to a redundant server even though proxy settings were set to not allow proxying.


Binary installers now support SymLinks in the install directory, following them for installs and upgrades. Uninstalls do not follow symlinks, but preserve a copy of the symlink for future cleanup by the user. This also ensures that the ownership of the install is not altered on upgrades and is retained on uninstalls


Added a Go to Gateway action to Designer Launcher's list view.
Added a persistent Launcher view preference feature, which saves the last selected card or list view to the Launcher's JSON across restarts


Platform Core
Leased Activation license status information is now provided via System Tags.


Allow devices to be created in the disabled state via `system.device.addDevice`.
Added support for writing to a Boolean OPC tag that is mapped to an integer datatype in the OPC server.
Fixed an issue where device names weren't being URL encoded when navigating to the device status details page.


Platform Core
Added support for taking the given locale into account when converting from a string to a date, integer, float, or string.


The Delete menu item in the context menu in Perspective is now disabled when a root container is selected.
Upgraded JxBrowser for the Perspective Designer workspace and Vision Web Browser module to use Chromium 108.0.5359.215.
Node-fetch has been upgraded from version 1.7.3 to 3.2.3. Isomorphic-fetch has been updated to the latest release.
Added a free-form text field for the CSS backgroundSize property in Perspective style editor.
Added new 'Request Print' component action and new 'requestPrint' script callable component method. Choose to print the page, the view, or the component. (Web only. Mobile app functionality pending.)
Corrected the descriptions of row and rowIndex values for the expand and collapse subview events initiated by the Table's script callable methods expandSubviews and collapseSubviews.
Added tooltip to grid/list view button in Component Palette.
Added tooltip to grid/list view button in Component Palette.
Resolved Perspective Designer Chromium crash related to Big Sur or higher.
Fixed DateTimePicker Component not advancing the calendar to a new date when `props.value` was modified through the Designer, binding, or scripting.
Fixed an issue where marker icon colors were not being applied when the icon path, style, or size were changed.


Platform Core
Added the system.project.requestScan function and an SDK-accessible method to request that the projects directory be scanned for project and resource updates.

Remote Data Sync

Tag Historian
Fixed an issue where file descriptors weren’t closed properly when using Edge Data Sync with the Alarm Journal and the Audit Log.

Remote Tags

Fixed an issue with remote tag providers not automatically reconnecting after gateway restarts.


Fixed issue with X, Y, Width, and Height properties for Report module tables being editable when they should be read-only.
Added a configureChart script event to the Pie Chart, enabling users to modify the chart prior to rendering. Added a Show Chart Shadow property to the Pie Chart, allowing users to toggle the background shadow.
Updated default selection when creating a new row version in a table to select the row rather than the components contained in the rows. Fixed the Fill Color properties to now show null states when there is no selected color.
Added the ability to load images with URLs containing queries for the Image component.


The function system.util.jsonEncode now returns a floating point value instead of a string when encoding BigDecimal Java types.
Added the new boolean system parameter, ignition.smtp.sendpartial, which allows users to define the send behavior where an invalid notification email is provided. Now defaults to true.

SQL Bridge

Data & Logic
Fixed "Ambiguous column name" error when Transaction Groups target an item that is also used as a custom index.

Store & Forward

Tag Historian
Added a DateTime picker dialog to the Named Queries Testing panel for better usability when setting DateTime value

Tags & UDTs

Fixed a memory leak when using legacy Alerting tag properties
Fixed issue where tag configurations within Store and Forward system tag reset upon Gateway restart.
Tag Report Tool now supports OR groupings for property filters. Previously, users could only define one AND group.


Fixed an issue where find/replace of components with no extension functions populated would throw a null pointer exception.
Fixed Easy Chart issue with inconsistent Spinner and Dropdown display when the chart was maximized and in real-time mode
Fixed an issue where Vision's tab strip customizer would resize tabs as fonts were changed in an inconsistent manner for selected/unselected tab configuration.
Fixed an issue where some menu item tooltips in a Vision Client cannot be localized.
Fixed an issue where the touchscreen keyboard would not correctly hide the password if invoked from the user management component.
Fixed an issue that caused a read-only attribute error when setting the Level Indicator value property via script.
Fixed issue with Month View Component failing to create a new column for new events
Overhauled Vision's Touchscreen Keyboard with support for custom and international formats, including French, German, Italian, and Spanish and a new, simplified English layout.
Updated the MigLayout layout engine to 11.1.


Platform Core
Updated Jetty server version to 10.0.15