Firebrand Awards Panel (2018)
55 min video / 1 minute read Download SlidesSpeakers

Don Pearson
Chief Strategy Officer
Inductive Automation
Phillip Bourner
Systems Engineer
Roeslein & Associates, Inc.
Leah Ackerman
Tamaki Controls
John Parraga
Process Solutions Specialist
ECS Solutions
Sam Vandiver
Vice President, Automation
Brown Engineers, LLC
Pablo Di Benedetto
Systems Integration Project Leader
AUTEX Open Automation
At the end of each conference, the Ignition Firebrand Awards are given to the most outstanding real-world Ignition projects featured in our yearly Discovery Gallery project showcase. Join us to celebrate the creative spirit of the Ignition community as we honor this year’s Firebrand Award winners and hear their stories of struggle, innovation, and triumph in a fun and informative panel discussion led by Inductive Automation’s chief strategy officer, Don Pearson.
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