Keynote ICC 2017

69 min video  /  1 minute read Download Slides


Travis Cox

Director of Training

Inductive Automation

Colby Clegg

Chief Executive Officer

Inductive Automation

Carl Gould

Chief Technology Officer

Inductive Automation

Don Pearson

Chief Strategy Officer

Inductive Automation

Steve Hechtman

Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors

Inductive Automation

As the effects of rapid technological change continue to be felt by companies and organizations everywhere, it's essential to understand the real meaning behind the latest industry trends and to see the guiding philosophy behind the company's recent product updates. In this opening keynote session, Inductive Automation's top thought leaders will discuss their vision for keeping the Ignition platform and the Ignition community at the forefront of the industrial data revolution.

Posted on October 1, 2017