76 min video / 69 minute readSpeakers

Kent Melville
Director of Sales Engineering
Inductive Automation

Kevin McClusky
Chief Technology Architect & VP of Sales
Inductive Automation

Travis Cox
Chief Technology Evangelist
Inductive Automation
The conference is guaranteed to go out with a bang as the Build-a-Thon closes out ICC once again. Join us for the conclusion of the ultimate Ignition challenge, where the final two teams compete for the glory of developing the most elevated Ignition solutions and being crowned Build-a-Thon champions. Who will wear the orange winner’s blazer after the votes are all counted? There’s only one way to find out, so stick around to catch the competitive spirit and enjoy an unforgettable music performance from IA’s Department of Funk that you’ll be humming for weeks!
Narrator: Long ago, in the lands of Ignition. Well, it was in July, so not that long ago. A transcending tale of technomancy chronicles 33 warriors of wit, facing a crucible of challenges, for a chance at the Build-a-Thon crown. Alas, these were no ordinary feats of integration and tech wizardry. Our brave adventurers faced fierce trials, modeling marvels of data for demon ducks. Crafting code for a cantankerous and huffy hermit, safeguarding shell scripts on seas swarming with pirates, and domesticating a devious dragon. Of course, none of these monsters were real, but the track did indeed test their prowess in Ignition and leveraging technology such as MQTT and protocol drivers, toward the goal of shaping a symphony of systems. Many succumbed to pressure prematurely, while others later fell victim to the commentary of Lords Travis, Kevin, and Kent, which honestly would test anyone's mental fortitude. But in the end, two contenders rose like stars to shine brighter than the sun. And now the time is upon us as our valiant finalists, Corso Systems and Barry-Wehmiller Design Group, battle head-to-head to win the fabled orange jacket of destiny. Their fate now depends upon their skills of innovation and imagination and also rests in the hands of those who vote today. Behold the 2023 Build-a-Thon.
Kent Melville: Alright. Welcome everyone to the 2023 Build-a-Thon. We have a great show for you, hopefully you like the theme you're gonna see that throughout, it's gonna be a really fun day, but I wanted to invite you back to the most prestigious and exclusive event in competitive SCADA that happens all year, but we can't have a competition without competitors. And so let's welcome to the stage our challengers for the final round of this year's Build-a-Thon. From Corso Systems. I'm supposed to advance the slide here, I'm already failing everybody here we go. Here we have Corso Systems. So Corso come on out. We have Adrienne Harvey, Marguerite Daw, and William Bohn.
Kent Melville: Popular team. Popular team. Alright and on the other side from Barry-Wehmiller Design Group we have Keith Gamble, Alex Spyksma, and Christian Davis. So teams, excited for this year's Build-a-Thon?
Adrienne Harvey: You know it. We are ready.
Kent Melville: Awesome. How about you guys? You ready to go?
Keith Gamble: I am exhausted. I mean exhilarated.
Kent Melville: There you go, I share the sentiment. Perfect. Alright well teams, we're really excited to see what you guys have been doing this year so we're gonna go ahead and let you get back to your stations here and we will be talking to you throughout, so take a seat. Alright. So yeah here we go. So yeah we're good. Alright so, you might be wondering it's a Build-a-Thon, what are they building? What are we doing? What's happening? So as was announced in the video they went through some challenges to get here, they're here now, and they've been working on building an application based on some mysterious panels that we have up here and so at this point we're gonna actually show you what these panels look like, so I'm gonna invite some people to come out on stage. These are some wonderful people from Opto 22. Yeah give it up for Opto 22.
Kent Melville: You may have seen them at their booth down here at the end of the hallway, Opto 22 has been the hardware sponsor for the Build-a-Thon for a few years now. How many of you were excited about the water panel they built last year? Do you see that? It's pretty cool. Well they have stepped up their game even further and so if you can help me count down from three, we'll see the panels that we've got this year. So here we go: three, two, one. Yes. What the heck is that, Right? that's the question. Thank you Opto 22.
Kent Melville: Alright so these are called Galton boards. You may be familiar with Plinko or other-style games where you have balls that drop down and go through a series of gates to eventually land in one of these troughs down at the bottom. Well they've gone and done a bunch of 3D printing and created these all custom, they've got all these servo motors, all these sensors to do all this tracking, all powered by their groov EPIC controllers. And so what this is here is this is a hopper that is full of golf balls, all different colors of golf balls, and then they come down and there's a color sensor, right here where they can see the color of the golf ball and actually there are tags inside the PLC so that they can set these different gates to either be neutral where the balls will fall randomly into the troughs or they can set them to go left or right, and so we gave these to the teams and gave them very loose instructions to build some control for these panels, we'll talk more about that in a little bit. But essentially let them go wild with it and so today we're gonna see what they were able to do over Monday and Tuesday. Monday and Tuesday they were able to go through and build some great stuff. So with that, we do have a video to show you these requirements in detail and so enjoy.
Travis Cox: For this year's Build-a-Thon you'll be creating an Ignition project that controls and gathers data from a Galton board, provided by Opto 22 the official hardware partner of the ICC Build-a-Thon.
Kevin McClusky: The Galton board, named after Sir Francis Galton, is a triangular array of pegs. Balls are dropped on the top peg and then bounce their way down to the bottom where they're collected in little bins. Each time a ball hits one of the pegs it bounces either left or right. By default the balls collect in the bins following the classic bell curve of normal distribution.
Travis Cox: We didn't want to just stop there. With our Galton board, there are more possibilities due to additional sensors and gates. Each peg is controlled by a gate that has three positions: neutral, left, and right. You can either let the ball fall randomly or specifically control the path. Each channel and bin has a sensor that detects when a ball passes through, so we can record the path of each ball.
Kevin McClusky: The PLC will also provide the time in milliseconds it takes for a ball to go from one gate to another. Additionally there is a color sensor between the hopper and the first peg that allows us to know the color of each ball. That allows us to record the color and/or control the path by the color outside of chaos mode.
Travis Cox: Your task is to create an Ignition project that allows an operator to control the Galton board and record history and statistics of each run. We've provided a groov EPIC PLC that provides all of the I/O and built-in logic to build different operating modes.
Kevin McClusky: You need to implement a chaos mode and at least one additional mode. In chaos mode, the gates are in a neutral position and the balls fall randomly. For the additional mode you can choose to specify how many balls you want in each bin, associate bins with certain colors, implement Pascal's triangle with perfect distribution, or other creative modes.
Travis Cox: The most important part of this project is data analysis. Once the data is logged, you provide on-screen reports that show off the data. This is where you get to be creative and differentiate yourself from the competition.
Kevin McClusky: We would also like you to implement at least one metric.
Kevin McClusky: For example you can log which gates have had the most balls pass through. The focus is on Perspective screens for the visualization. Think of innovative ways to visualize the data using different Perspective components.
Travis Cox: Again be creative and have fun.
Kent Melville: Pretty cool, right? Yeah.
Kent Melville: Alright. So we've introduced our teams. We've introduced you to the prompt, right? What they were going to be doing. And so who wants to see what they built? Yeah? Alright. Well let's see the final projects.
Travis Cox: Whoa, whoa, whoa. This project's not complete yet. They've got to build one more thing.
Kent Melville: What do you mean they have to build one more thing? Who even is this?
Travis Cox: Well this wouldn't be the Build-a-Thon without some live building.
Kevin McClusky: Without some live building.
Kent Melville: Travis and Kevin back again. Alright. So what are we doing here? What's going on guys?
Kevin McClusky: These projects are great but they need something extra special.
Travis Cox: That's right. We came up with a curveball that's going to really test these competitors their chops.
Kent Melville: Guys we only have like a one-hour session. If we're going to do a live build here then we need to get started. We need to get our teams going. What do you mean a curveball?
Kevin McClusky: Hey check your packet for some instructions. It's appeared there as mysteriously as we did.
Kent Melville: What the heck? These weren't here a minute ago. What happened?
Travis Cox: That's right. The ways of the Build-a-Thon are deep and mysterious.
Kent Melville: Wow.
Kent Melville: Alright well Design Group apparently you got some work to do, here are your instructions. Corso I guess this is for you enjoy. Yeah, so I guess we're going to be doing some live building rapidly here. Travis and Kevin wherever you went can you give us some more details for the audience about what this curveball really is?
Kevin McClusky: Kent, thanks for making yourself useful.
Travis Cox: Oh my gosh. We totally have to be out here on stage and help him out, huh?
Kent Melville: What the heck? They get chairs too? No way, come on. You know what? I never want to see these again. Somebody take these home, please get rid of these things. Go for it. Terrible throw. That's not what they pay me for. Alright. So guys what are we doing? Tell me about this curveball.
Kevin McClusky: Well, you guys may have heard about the Data Dash project that we had going. Very exciting project and the curveball has to do with that.
Travis Cox: Yeah we've asked the competitors to simply build a UDT instance and a Perspective template that represents the live status of their board, so that audience can see everything live while they're going to demonstrate it.
Kent Melville: I can't believe I'm saying this but that's actually pretty cool. I am starting to like this idea a little bit. Despite the fact that I thought we had a very clear scope already defined. But while our teams are figuring that out, while they're figuring out how to publish to Data Dash. We do have another video that walks through Monday and Tuesday, and kind of shows what the teams did. And so at that point let's cue the video. Let's see what they did over Monday and Tuesday. And cue the video.
Travis Cox: Kent, we got this.
Kent Melville: Oh my gosh.
Adrienne Harvey: I'm Adrienne Harvey. I'm from Corso Systems.
Christian Davis: My name is Christian Davis and I'm from Barry-Wehmiller Design Group.
Adrienne Harvey: It's kind of difficult to stay on track when you've got this amazing panel, that is so much fun and it's so distracting but we've been looking at it and just kind of figuring out how we can pull some of the most interesting data out of it. I'm trying to squeak in a little bit of story in there.
Christian Davis: We want to make sure that all of our core functionality was really rock solid before we started to add any ancillary attributes and maybe some wow factors. I think if we get some time we would really like to scale it down to maybe an iPad or even down to a cell phone or a mobile.
Adrienne Harvey: That's kind of where I come from in terms of design in general. So I've already been kind of thinking a little bit about, "Okay this is cool," but, I wanna make sure this also might look good on mobile or be usable or be observable by certain types of operators or users.
Christian Davis: I think some of the challenges we might face with the build is integrating some of the fun aspects and taking that to the next level. What features that we want to implement tomorrow that we maybe don't know about today.
Adrienne Harvey: I think that really kind of the challenge there is to make sure that we have a lot going on technically that is also visually interesting and compelling.
Christian Davis: I think the thing that really stands us out at this point especially for this Build-a-Thon is how much emphasis we put on the front end. We really want the user experience to be exceptional. Because we believe that we're delivering exceptional applications and we want it to look and feel that way.
Adrienne Harvey: I think we're gonna have a cool design, I think we're gonna have some compelling data. I'm going to pull that little bit of story in there just to kind of as a wow factor. So here's the thing. I've been obsessed with the map that Inductive Automation made. So I'm looking at ways to kind of pull in the metaphor of the map and of the quest with our data. Now, the challenge is making the data and the quests come together in a significant way, so we'll see.
Christian Davis: There are some new unique features. One of the features that I'm somewhat excited about after having worked within Ignition so much is we're integrating this thing called Anicons, where icons can actually animate. So if you click a play button it might swirl or do something interesting like that.
Adrienne Harvey: We're trying to get as much cool data in there as possible and also working with the full capabilities of the panel.
Jeremy Plunkett: So it's like you've got a couple of Perspective views. Any particular containers you're using or how are things going here?
William Bohn: I'm working on flex containers right now. I'm working on a run viewer, a run history viewer.
Jeremy Plunkett: Is there a reason you picked the flex container out of any of the other options?
William Bohn: I'm just comfortable with it and we don't need piping or symbols on this particular view so that's just the easiest to make it look nice. If we get to the point where we can make it responsive we will, so that'll prepare us for that.
Jeremy Plunkett: Alright very cool. Yeah which one is this?
Adrienne Harvey: I'm good. Having fun.
Jeremy Plunkett: Yeah, I see some scripting going on over here.
Adrienne Harvey: Yeah.
Jeremy Plunkett: Can you talk a little bit about that? Is that message handlers or event scripts?
Marguerite Daw: It's button-pushing script. We're fiddling with the screen right now so we're debugging the buttons because it's moved containers.
Jeremy Plunkett: You've got a lot of button event scripts going on, or mostly on the gateway? How's that look?
Marguerite Daw: Yeah just maybe like start and like build the recipe. Yeah.
Adrienne Harvey: If you were in Vegas that would probably be a great sound.
Jeremy Plunkett: What do we got going here? Looks like you're styling some Perspective views.
Christian Davis: Yeah we're gonna put together a dashboard. You can just see over there we kind of have a mock-up. So putting together this portion. We're gonna start to put together some of our analytics from collecting some runs.
Jeremy Plunkett: Very cool. Are you using flex containers or...?
Christian Davis: Yeah, we're ideally gonna try to make it mobile responsive if we have enough time.
Christian Davis: So that's the premise of only flex containers for the most part except, I think we gotta use a coordinate container on the Galveston board or Galton or whatever it's called.
Adrienne Harvey: We wanted to kinda keep with the cool theme that you guys had for the kind of epic adventure and I hope that everybody enjoys the time we have. I don't want to give too much away.
Marguerite Daw: I feel like you've given a lot away.
Adrienne Harvey: Yeah you better edit that.
Keith Gamble: Yeah we're currently working on closing up the styling and everything around the analysis stuff we have and just kind of trying to pull everything together so that the data flows more effectively as you use the application.
Keith Gamble: We've definitely banged our head against SFCs a little bit trying to really map out how we're moving data and where we're moving it. We've done some tricky things with the panel that weren't expected so you know it required a little bit of extra customizations but we managed to push through it and that's worked super well.
Kent Melville: Alright. Well I think the teams did a great job. You know when we first started the Build-a-Thon everything happened on stage in one hour and it was just really fast and there's only so much you can do within one hour and so starting last year we really added the two-day build on Monday and Tuesday. And so it was great having these teams in our offices and seeing the great projects that they built. I also wanted to mention real quick I just went and got updated a little bit on these projects about the Data Dash. So the Data Dash is upstairs which is exciting. I hope you had a chance to go and check that out. But also the Data Dash is available on your phones. It's at But you can also just scan this QR code here. And apparently everybody else other than me knew about what was happening here. But there's now if you go to that, a little logo at the bottom that says Build-a-Thon. You can go and you can click on that and it'll show you where the team's curveball builds are gonna go once they're done building them because they're building right now.
Kent Melville: So there's just placeholders there today, but what you're going to be voting on is you're going to be voting on a combination of how well they built cool projects on Monday and Tuesday. Plus, on your own phones, you'll be able to see the projects that they're building now based on the curveball and eventually vote for which team you think did all of that the best. And so how do you vote? How do we pick these teams? So in the app that you've got on your, the ICC app that hopefully you've installed on your phone. If not, it's not too late. You can go and download that. But there will be on this session, if you go to the schedule and go to sessions, find this session, there's a poll in the description. And if you click on the poll, you'll be able to vote for teams. But before you pull out your phone and you vote right now, don't click on that poll and choose a team yet. Once you have voted, your answer is locked in. So please wait, at the end of the Build-a-Thon they're going to have a chance to present all of this to you. And that will be your time to vote for which team you think did the best. Now, for those of you who are not here in person, we do have the Livestream going on. You are also able to participate in the voting. And so you'll see a poll show up there. And we please encourage all of you to vote remotely.
Kent Melville: Alright. So coming back to this here, let's see. Travis and Kevin, we just watched this video about what our teams did Monday and Tuesday. I'm really curious, since you guys have been competitors, each of you winning a year of the Build-a-Thon, you know what it takes to win. Do these teams have it? How did they do from what you've seen so far? Kevin, let's start with you. What did you think about Corso?
Kevin McClusky: Sure. Kent, I wanted to start off by saying you're actually doing a great job. Can we give it up for Kent?
Kevin McClusky: We like you a lot. We're just having some fun. Yeah, let's get you a chair out here.
Kent Melville: Thank you. Yeah. Let's get a chair. That's not as nice as yours. Yeah. Thanks for that.
Kent Melville: Okay. I feel a little beneath you, but continue.
Kevin McClusky: Alright. You asked about Corso Systems. I'll be serious for a moment. I think they have a really interesting approach to all of this. So I know that they're a big fan of design simplicity and using built-in tools that are inside Ignition. I'm excited to see what they're doing with that. I know they're using some of the new features, the right-click context menu inside Perspective specifically. And, of course, some of the things they talked about in the video are exciting. I don't know what's happening with the map, but we'll find out, I think.
Kent Melville: Yeah. Very cool. Yeah. I'm excited to see the map as well. But, Travis, what did you think of Design Group's?
Travis Cox: Well, definitely the teams have taken two completely different approaches, which is really cool to see. And it's going to be, I think, real hard for the audience to actually decide on this one. But with BWDG, Design Group, the use of the icons is really cool, what they've done. The board, there's some built-in modes of the board, but they've actually started going against the raw IO, creating some modes that are completely unique and different. I think it's really good. And they had some challenges to do that. There's some timing challenges, things like that, that they were able to accomplish. And I can't wait to actually see it in action.
Kent Melville: Yeah. I've got to say, getting under the hood sounds risky, but I hope it pays off for them. Well during the Build-a-Thon, they're all building here. It'd be interesting to know how it's going. And so I can see you're deep in thought here. You keep thinking for a second. But I really want to see how it's going so far and what you guys are doing.
Adrienne Harvey: Well, we are really pleased. The curveball is not too scary for us, considering what we've been working on so hard for the past couple of days. So we were actually kind of glad to hear what it was.
Kent Melville: Great. This is awesome. And hopefully you're able to reuse some of your project and bring that in.
Adrienne Harvey: Absolutely. And I'm also kind of amused that some of us is using this...
Kent Melville: No, they're good. They want to get back to building. Thank you for the little insight. We're excited to see what you do. And we'll come over to these guys. Deep in thought, thinking hard. Tell us what you've come up with so far. What do you think?
Keith Gamble: We're trying to take a core kind of piece of what we're looking at and trying to represent that in a way that's useful and kind of get a good state of what's going on, if that makes sense.
Kent Melville: Now these people are going to pull it up on their phones. Were you ready for a mobile-responsive application here?
Keith Gamble: If you have an iPad mini in your pocket, then it's going to look amazing. And there's a high chance it looks great on a phone in however many minutes.
Kent Melville: Yeah. Absolutely. What could go wrong? Well, yeah. Good luck, guys. We'll let you get to it. But yeah, let's come back to Travis and Kevin. Alright. So we have been talking about all kinds of stuff here. But based on what they've done so far, what do you think? Does it sound like they're on the right track?
Kevin McClusky: Yeah, I think so. I think that once we get to the Exchange Challenge and the Arcade winners, that's going to be an exciting moment of all of this as well. But, yeah. What they're doing so far is just, I think that the way that they're integrating with Data Dash, if you're not familiar, it's basically UDTs and embedded views and being able to pull that into one spot, publish that up at the end. And I think it's going to be great.
Travis Cox: Yeah, absolutely. And, Kent you know what? It's like you're a little parched out here. I think we should get some water out here. Let's bring some Kent-sized water out for him.
Kent Melville: That's not for me. That does look good. You're right. I am parched. I've been doing a lot of talking this whole week and singing. People enjoy the band last night? Yeah? Great.
Kent Melville: And his shoes, too? Yeah, you guys look great. Do I get water? Any water out there for me? Yeah? Oh.
Kevin McClusky: That's perfect for you, Kent.
Kent Melville: That's perfect. Yeah. See how they treat me here? What is this? Alright. Well, while I open this water, I also did want to go over real quick, we talk about taking this data that they're building today, and they're going to be publishing it up to Data Dash. And in order to do that effectively, they need to be able to encapsulate their projects in a really interesting way. And so, that is not a new problem for our community. People want to build things that are reusable, that they can use in one environment and then move it to another environment and make sure it's useful and all that kind of stuff. And nothing really exemplifies that as much as the Ignition Exchange. How many of you have used a resource from the Ignition Exchange before? Yeah? A bunch of you. Absolutely. And every year, I say every year, for the last couple of years, we've done what we've called the Exchange Challenge. And the Exchange Challenge, is we take all the resources that are submitted throughout the year, and we get a big team together at Inductive Automation, and we go through and we review each one, and we see which resources we think are the most exciting. Who has done the best to contribute to the whole community. And so we pick our top three, but there's so many good submissions that we have a couple honorable mentions to go through.
Kent Melville: The first one is Arnaud. Arnaud is amazing. Arnaud has submitted more resources to the Exchange than anybody else. And he had two resources that we wanted to highlight here, where he took some resources that Inductive Automation had actually created, and he went and made them work for Ignition Edge. And so, rather than relying on database back ends and all that kind of stuff, it all worked through a buffer or through tags. And I thought that was a really cool example of the community leveraging the resources from other people and then making them more extensible for others and the reusability. So, thank you so much, Arnaud. Next, I would like to give an honorable mention to our community development team, as Carl would say apparently in the Keynote, for all of those people that made ChatGPT resources, they were noticed, and they're pretty cool. And so shout out to all of these people for their great work. Alright. And the last honorable mention, is kind of a Perspective design category. We had some really beautiful graphics and things that were uploaded to the Exchange this year. And so here you can see like a VFD template. You can see some loading animations and also some Perspective gauges.
Kent Melville: We really like these kind of resources. It's hard not to make them win every year because we like the eye candy. We like the cool stuff that people build. Alright. I lied. There's also one more honorable mention category here, which is Perspective design.
Kent Melville: Yeah, exactly. We've got a couple of fans out here in the group. Absolutely. There's a Perspective flip card. So any of you can, like as you hover over it, it flips over and also some really cool oil and gas templates for people to use. So now on to our top three, our winning resources here. In third place, we have this Plastic ORM resource. And this is a scripting module that allows you to interact with the database without having to write queries. And so you can connect up to any database and you can read in data, you can filter things, update existing rows, and it supports multiple databases. It works with MySQL, Postgres, and SQLite right now. But this is something that we got really excited about because when we build resources for the Exchange, we always, and they need a database integration. We then have to worry about like which resources, which databases do we go and support. If you use something like this, then you can just tie into these scripting APIs, and then now it's compatible with a whole slew of databases right out of the box. So Emily Liu, congratulations. Great resource. Congrats on third place.
Kent Melville: Alright. In second place, we have the Siemens ProfiBus Diagnostic Repeater Faceplate. And this is a set of Vision resources and UDTs for Siemens ProfiBus DP Diagnostic Repeaters. Provides fault location on the segment, potential fault cases, and remedies as per the diagnostic repeater manual. And this was a big one for our team because that's one thing that Inductive Automation really leans on the community for, is there's all this hardware out there, and we want Ignition to work really well with it. We don't have that expertise in house, but you do. And when you go and figure out how to work with various hardware and software, and then you build that integration, and then you share it with the community, we think that that's just incredible. And so really wanted to highlight that one. So yeah, give it up for Braxton McKean.
Kent Melville: Alright. And in first place, we have a Responsive Navigation Menu Using CSS Styles by Jerry Eppler. And yeah, give it up for Jerry at Artek.
Kent Melville: And like I said, we're a sucker for eye candy, but this one's also very functional. So, if you've ever gone in and you need to create menus in Ignition, so like every project. This is a responsive menu that works really well for mobile or desktop-size Perspective screens. And you can bring it in, really easy to modify, and the navigation action is really easy to set up. And to make sure that it was very usable, they didn't just go and add documentation inside the Exchange, but they've got a link to a YouTube video they created to walk you through how to use it in more detail, which we thought was really cool. And it was really cool to see that this is usable by all the different versions of Ignition, including Maker Edition, and is mobile responsive. So yeah, once again, give it up for Jerry, first place. Great job.
Kent Melville: Alright. So next up, SCADA Arcade. This was talked about in the Keynote, a bunch of people from our support division went and they created some awesome games using Ignition. You're able to play those upstairs. Hopefully you got to go check that out. We did want to announce some winners of the SCADA Arcade who had the best times and best scores. And so, going through this pretty quickly for Cosmos Assaulter, you can see first place here. We have, these are the nicknames that they put in as they were playing. And so who they are? May be a mystery. You got to go and find them out. We also don't know necessarily who all these people are. So if you're one of these people, you are going to get a prize. Please go upstairs after this session and we'll get your real name so we can give you a prize. But congratulations to these people. Going through also for Pac-Man, you can see first, second, and third place here. We also had a Pong game. You can see first, second, and third here. And we had ProSCADA here. ProSCADA. The pun game is strong. We also have Combat Yachts, which is pretty cool. You should check that out. And we had Cerebro Puzzles.
Kent Melville: Now this, don't know who that is, TJ Holt. No, but congrats TJ. Cerebro Puzzles, this is an aggregate of who did the best across all the different puzzles. And then overall, when you take all the games together, HEI, I don't know who you are, but congratulations. You had the best scores across the board. Give it up for HEI.
Kent Melville: With that being said, I want to come back to the teams again, real quick here. You've had a little more time to build. I'm trying to stretch it out for you. How are you doing so far?
Adrienne Harvey: We are doing great. I can't wait for you all to see what's going on over here. We've had to keep a lot under wraps to not spoil the surprise. But it's gonna be good.
Kent Melville: I saw in the video earlier that sometimes you want to overshare. Tell everybody about the projects. We had to edit that stuff out. But...
Adrienne Harvey: Yeah, I heard you leave that in, actually. What's up with that?
Kent Melville: No judgment. It's fine. But anything you can leak for us now? Any sneak peek we should know about?
Adrienne Harvey: Oh, gosh, I don't...
Adrienne Harvey: We are done with our Data Dash.
Kent Melville: Data Dash is done?
Kent Melville: Impressive. Data Dash is done. I'm excited to see it. Perfect. Alright. Yeah, give it up for Corso.
Kent Melville: I'm gonna finally drink some water. Design Group, you heard? They're done. How are you feeling about that? You done?
Keith Gamble: We had a little bit of a setback in the beginning. We had Docker running, and when we sat down, it was no longer running. So we went through a little bit of exercise. But due to the scalability of containers, we're up and going again. So we're trying to wrap things up now, make sure everything's working, and good to go.
Kent Melville: Perfect. Sounds great. There's bound to be little hurdles to get over, but way to stay in the game. Give it up for Design Group.
Kent Melville: Alright. So, making sure I'm not skipping any steps in here. Travis and Kevin we've been going through a bunch of stuff. Really wanted to come back to you guys. We're talking about how they're doing. It's impressive. We've got teams that are already kind of putting the finishing touches. We got some teams that have some setbacks. You've been there. You've had the setbacks. You've finished early. Travis, tell us about your past experience with Build-a-Thon, how that relates here.
Travis Cox: Yeah, absolutely. The first year, Kevin and I did the Build-a-Thon, well, we did it on a beta product Perspective. So that was just straight-up crazy.
Kevin McClusky: I had some problems.
Travis Cox: Yeah, his screen blacked out right in the middle of that one.
Kevin McClusky: It was my fault.
Travis Cox: Absolutely crazy. The second year, we were like, "We're going to be so prepared. We're going to do this real quick." And we get done in 10 minutes, 15 minutes, we're like, "Oh, wait, we have another 30 minutes left before... Or 20 minutes left before we're done." And we're sitting there twiddling our thumbs like, "Okay, oh, my goodness."
Kevin McClusky: Got to look busy. It's being broadcast up there. So pretend that we're doing things, dragging labels out.
Travis Cox: We know what it's like to be over there and to get over that finish line.
Kent Melville: Yeah. Well, perfect. Alright. Well these are exciting times. We are getting close to running out of time here. I'm looking at the side, seeing kind of time check. How much time do we have left for our competitors here? Only a few more minutes. Alright. Well, we've only got a couple minutes for you. And so we'll tell these teams to please hurry up, finish as soon as they can. While we're waiting, we wanted to let you know, if you're looking at your clock, you're like this is going to 5 o'clock. You're right. We are gonna wrap this up because once they finish their projects, they're going to give stuff off to our team. We're going to take a backup, and then we're going to go publish it up to our infrastructure in the cloud for the Data Dash project, so that we can start updating all your phones. So that you can actually see these projects.
Kent Melville: Now, if you haven't really heard about Data Dash, then you missed the Keynote. 'Cause we talked about it there. But you may have forgotten. I'll tell you a little bit about it. So essentially, what they're going to be doing is just like we have competitors from all over the world doing, we're going to take their data, it's going to be published up over MQTT, and then we are pushing it up to an MQTT broker, and that's hosted in AWS. And then the actual data is subscribed to from the broker by a whole slew of servers that are all in the FactoryStacks product by our Solutions Partner, 4IR. So 4IR is at a booth. Hopefully, you've checked them out this week. But 4IR does manage infrastructure, right?
Kent Melville: And so, when we were thinking about the Data Dash, it's funny, we've tried to do something in a past Build-a-Thon, where we wanted everybody to be able to see the projects that got built on their phones and we kind of crashed and burned that year, but you got to see it on stage. It was great, but there's a lot of infrastructure that goes into pushing something to the cloud and then letting people view that at scale and so it was natural for us to say, "Let's go to 4IR. Let's leverage their managed infrastructure." They know how to do that really well and they really came through for us this year of helping us put all that together. But Travis, I know that you were instrumental in that whole process. Any comments about this architecture and Data Dash as a whole?
Travis Cox: Yeah, this project is kind of near and dear to my heart because it's really just trying to show people how first of all, it's important to be thinking about modeling data, creating and standardizing on data models across the board. Because once you do that, it is so incredibly easy to get that data published up using MQTT. And we're just putting it up to a Chariot broker in the cloud and then from there, the sky's the limit. We could bring anywhere. We're bringing to Ignition Cloud Edition, showing dashboards, which we're going to be seeing here in a bit. We're also bringing it over to a Snowflake database and we could go a lot further with that. So, it's a really simple thing, but we had over 50 participants around the world. We've had data published all over United States, all over Europe, even India, South Africa, and Australia. And I really wanna, at this point, take a moment to give all those participants a round of applause.
Kevin McClusky: Yeah, we ended up with over 150 or 200 actual templates or embedded views inside the Data Dash project and they range from simple labels all the way up to complete almost many projects inside there. There were some really cool resources that were inside there. That's a testament to our community. It's a testament to the infrastructure and the architecture and the technology that enables all of this. So it was really cool for me to see, too.
Travis Cox: And they're all available for you guys now in the Exchange.
Kent Melville: Yeah, which is great. Alright, well, teams, you got one minute. One minute. In a minute, we'll do the countdown all together. Once again, when they are all done, yeah, we got one minute and it's counting down. So they can see this. There's a one-minute timer. But for these teams, we'll take the backups. We'll go push in this infrastructure. We're using the EAM, the Enterprise Administration Module, to push it to a bunch of front-end servers, just like you can do with Ignition. And also this time, I wanted to remind you about voting. The teams, what we're going to be doing after this is they're going to get a chance to do their presentations. They'll each get a seven-minute presentation to show you what they've got. And at that point, please use the poll inside the app to vote for which team you think was best. Alright. We've got 20 seconds. 20 seconds. I see lots of, well, some hands off keyboards, so people are feeling good.
Kevin McClusky: I remember the first year. I was panicking right now.
Kent Melville: Absolutely. Alright, everybody, we've got five seconds. Countdown with me. Five, four, three, two, one. Time's up. Hands off. Alright, and so at this time, we're going to have an application engineer from our team come out, and you're going to work with them, get the backups from their projects, and then take them, start getting them into the live Data Dash. And so we thought about pushing them directly from here, but many of you know about never trusting an Internet connection when you go to shows or things like that. So we planned all this to be manual, and so we are literally putting these on little flash drives, and then we're going to go quickly and upload them. So, it should be fun, but we are going to need to kill a little bit of time here while we're making sure that those do get published. And so it wouldn't be the Build-a-Thon if we didn't have a little bit of musical entertainment, and so we do have another music video for you this year, and so please enjoy.
Singers: In a world unknown, a young heart did yearn, an adventurer's path, eager to discern. He sought to elevate his factory's line, dreams of automation, a goal so divine. Through trials he wandered, both day and night, seeking the tool to elevate his might. In industrial realms problems did conspire, a journey of growth, the forge of his desire. His hands met struggles, gears out of place, each tool he tried fell short in the race. A quest for efficiency, factory's call, he needed a guide, a tool for them all. Then in the tales of tech, whispers did convey, a software named Ignition to light his way. At ICC he learned where minds did unite, a solution to elevate shining so bright. Through trials he wandered, both day and night, seeking the tool to elevate his might. In industrial realms problems did conspire, a journey of growth, the forge of his desire. With Ignition's might, problems took flight, a symphony, a wondrous sight, in the heart of it all, change did transpire, a coming of age, his dreams reached higher. No more sleepless nights, no more endless strife, Ignition's touch brought order to life. A heart now wise, with tools in hand, he conquered the challenge, fulfilling his plan. Through trials he wandered, both day and night, his journey of growth, his path now alight. In industrial realms, problems did conspire, but he emerged triumphant, his spirit afire.
Kent Melville: That's what I do for a living, that's pretty fun.
Kent Melville: But it's funny, we've been doing the Build-a-Thon for a long time, and every year we change it up a little bit. But the feedback we keep getting from the audience is, we don't care what you do, as long as there's a music video. And so there you go. But, it takes a lot of work to write songs. Our legal team said we can't do just any old song, we have to write our own songs. I think they just wanted to see what we could come up with, really. But, this year we actually used ChatGPT, and so those lyrics, I put aside my automation engineer hat for a little bit, was a prompt engineer, and spent like an hour and a half fighting with ChatGPT, but that's where those lyrics came from.
Kevin McClusky: Would you even say that we used KentGPT?
Kent Melville: We did, yeah, KentGPT. But, yeah, and then Kevin was able to take those lyrics and come up with that song, and then it was nice this year, I didn't even really have to sing it. I think they cut me out purposefully, but Travis and Kevin got to sing this song for us, so it was pretty fun. The teams have had a chance to catch their breaths now. They're looking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed again. But, really wanted to come to you guys and see, what do we know about these teams? We've talked about their names, and that's it. What do you know about these people?
Kevin McClusky: Well, we've got some little fun facts here that we wanted to share, and we'll probably go back and forth a little bit, but one that I wanted to pick out and mention to you guys. Adrienne there, Team Corso. Stanford, during the pandemic, she had a pandemic project that has a Stanford Pupper quadruped robot that she created. William... Yeah, you can cheer.
Kevin McClusky: Alright. And I might as well keep going. William was the first employee at Corso.
Kevin McClusky: And Marguerite plays Ultimate Frisbee and participated in the Mixed Southwest Regional Championship for the weekend before ICC.
Travis Cox: We've got some interesting facts on this side over here with Design Group as well. And this one blew me away, but Keith Gamble here, he played professionally for the Minnesota Vikings drumline for two seasons. Holy Moly.
Travis Cox: And next year, though, from Alex, we might want to use this in the Build-a-Thon next year, but Alex, he's a certified helicopter flight instructor.
Kevin McClusky: Coming in from the top, I like that.
Travis Cox: And then we can't discredit Christian, who has climbed the tallest mountain in the contiguous United States.
Kevin McClusky: It's a little bit funny. We're really neutral this time around, and we don't have a team, but it feels like I'm Team Corso and you're Team Design Group.
Travis Cox: I guess I'm Team Design Group.
Kevin McClusky: We like both of them. That's all.
Kent Melville: Well, perfect. Well, now that you've picked teams. In addition to the people, can you tell us a little bit about the companies? I know you guys have worked with these integrators for a long time and been staples in the community for a long time. Give us a little background on Corso Systems.
Kevin McClusky: Sure. So I don't know if we actually have lists here.
Kent Melville: No notes. This is all off the top of your mind.
Kevin McClusky: Yeah, Corso's been working with us for years and years. They've done a bunch of really good projects. We've got a relationship with Alex Macy that just goes back a really long time. Staples in the community, staples at ICC, and really brilliant engineers. They're all a remote company as well. Lots of folks from around the world, well, around the country, I know for sure who make up this company that is a really inclusive set of folks who are excited to be working together. And, yeah, it's a great company.
Travis Cox: We're really excited for them. They were the first to contribute to our Ignition Exchange.
Kent Melville: They were?
Travis Cox: When that came out, they were the ones to make sure we want to get the first resource up there.
Kent Melville: Very cool. Give it up for Corso.
Kent Melville: So how'd they do? Does that sound like your company? Anything you'd add?
Adrienne Harvey: Gosh, let's see. Looking down the list. 13 of our 19 engineers are Gold Certified.
Kent Melville: There you go.
Kent Melville: Awesome.
William Bohn: And about that Exchange resource that was published backstage here at ICC that year, and Travis, I remember, had been up all night preparing for his Build-a-Thon.
Kent Melville: Yes, that was quite the year. 2019, is that right? Sounds about right. Well, awesome. Well, thank you, Corso. We're so glad you guys are here. Give it up one more time for Corso.
Kent Melville: Now, Design Group here. Travis, we'll get your intro first, and then we'll hear from these guys.
Travis Cox: Yeah, well, I've been working with Design Group for quite some time, and they are some talented engineers over there and have built some really impressive projects. Recently, what's been really cool to see is their UI/UX they're bringing into it and working with Figma, and just it really is elevating the projects that they're building every single day.
Kevin McClusky: Travis added a little for Corso. I'll add a little for Design Group. So a number of years ago, I personally actually went with Design Group to a joint customer, and we pitched together the concept of Ignition and had to demo connecting to a whole slew of PLCs that they had with a whole slew of protocols that were sitting on the board right in front of everybody who was very carefully judging us. And we had two designers going at the same time, and we were showing all of that off, too. And, yeah, great company too.
Kent Melville: Awesome. Well, there you go. They're talking about their resource, so anything you would add about Barry-Wehmiller Design Group?
Keith Gamble: Oh, I got distracted by what he just said, so one moment.
Kent Melville: Relationship with them is they never listen to anything we say, but they keep doing their thing.
Keith Gamble: No, it's pretty much exactly what happens. We have our monthly "listen to Keith ask for features" meeting, and it's an awesome opportunity. Now, Barry-Wehmiller is an awesome company. We've been working with Inductive Automation for a really long time. We are very proud to have, I think somewhere in the area of around 40 Gold Certified professionals.
Kent Melville: Not that it's a competition, right?
Keith Gamble: No, not at all. I only made sure to pick a number larger than the company.
Keith Gamble: No, I was kidding.
Keith Gamble: But we operate kind of around the world in some 56 offices, I believe. And, yeah.
Kent Melville: Awesome. Well, very cool. Did you guys have any other fun facts that you wanted to share about these teams while we're getting things going? Anything else?
Travis Cox: I think we all need to start seeing some building here, though. Some of what they've done, right?
Kevin McClusky: Yeah, yeah. But it sounds like we might be killing some time.
Kent Melville: Yeah. Based on the fact that somebody just came and asked a question, I'm just saying maybe we'll give them an extra couple minutes here. Yeah, we're going to give them a couple minutes here. Boo. Yeah, I know.
Kevin McClusky: Who said that?
Kent Melville: The Build-a-Thon always goes perfectly. Some fun facts that I saw. Something about me. I love board games. Any board games fans out there?
Kent Melville: It's a nerdy community. You've got to like board games, right? And so I hear somebody had a favorite board game over here. Yeah. What's your game?
Marguerite Daw: It's called Spirit Island.
Kent Melville: What is Spirit Island? You've got some fans, though.
Marguerite Daw: It's a cooperative game where you play spirits on an island that's being invaded by colonial forces and you try and fight back the colonial forces.
Kent Melville: Nice. As a co-op game, you all win together or you lose together?
Marguerite Daw: Correct.
Kent Melville: So what's your ratio? How often do you win?
Marguerite Daw: I would say about 90% of the time.
Kent Melville: She's pretty confident. Have you lost friendships because of those 10% that you guys lost?
Marguerite Daw: No.
Kent Melville: No, she's doing good. Alright. Also, very cool. So another fact I see on here, William, how did you find out about Corso? Where did you find them?
William Bohn: I met Alex on Reddit.
Kent Melville: On Reddit?
William Bohn: That's right.
Kent Melville: How did that come about?
William Bohn: I had taken a course with some PLC training and I posted just how to get advice, about getting advice and how to get into the industry and Alex kind of said, "Well, actually..." And we started talking.
Kent Melville: Nice. And the rest is history.
William Bohn: That's right.
Kent Melville: Very cool. Awesome. Now, something that I really value. So my wife is a big entrepreneur. She's got a food truck and stuff like that. Starting her own businesses. Now, I understand, Adrienne, you are a bit of an entrepreneur yourself.
Adrienne Harvey: Yes.
Kent Melville: Yes? You've got your own mic. You don't even need this. But tell us about your businesses.
Adrienne Harvey: Alright. So in 1999, I started a very small e-commerce business and I ran that for about 12 years as primary. And I have to call it the business school of hard knocks. And... Would I go back and do it again? Probably. But what I've learned from that, pretty much in the trenches and watching e-commerce grow from the point of people mailing in money orders because they didn't want to use their credit card on the Internet. Coming from that, all the way to now and thinking about all the systems we have now at our disposal for really great customer experiences and user experiences. And I love the fact that Ignition actually lets me bring some of that to the table, in order to make interfaces that people already know how to use.
Kent Melville: Yeah. That's very cool. Well, thank you so much. Give it up for Team Corso. A bunch of interesting people here, right?
Kent Melville: And I know nothing about any of you, no.
Keith Gamble: It's nice meeting you for the first time ever.
Kent Melville: Yeah. Exactly, yeah, Keith and I go back a few years even before he was at Design Group. But what's something interesting that we don't know about you?
Keith Gamble: About Design Group or me?
Kent Melville: About you, Keith. Let's get deep here today.
Keith Gamble: Oh, about me? You didn't know the drumline thing.
Kent Melville: I did not. For the Viking NFL.
Keith Gamble: I did. I got to go to any home game for free. I got to go play at the Packers stadium a handful of times.
Kent Melville: If you had still been there, you could have bled over now and been at a Taylor Swift concert.
Keith Gamble: Yes. Here's a random story that you don't know about me with Taylor Swift specifically.
Kent Melville: Please tell. This is what they came for.
Keith Gamble: Both of them know this story. It's been shared. So, when I was in high school, I went to a high school in Minnesota that was very music-forward. Our director for percussion, which is what I played, was the board of something for the Minnesota Percussion Association. Whatever. And so we got to play all kinds of random things. And so one of the things we got to play was a charity event at Excel Energy Center in downtown Minneapolis. And I don't know when it was, but it was a Disney thing. And so, we got to play on stage with like... I actually got to play on stage with Macklemore playing, "Can't Hold Us." And there was a handful of random things like that. But Taylor Swift. Backstage, I was being picked on by the people that were my friends and they didn't save me a spot to eat. So I went and sat down at the table with the Disney celebrities, 'cause I thought I was being funny. And then they let me continue sitting there. So I got to eat lunch with a handful of Disney people plus Taylor Swift.
Kent Melville: That's super cool. I'm jealous. That sounds great.
Kevin McClusky: Have you kept in touch?
Keith Gamble: No, but separately, same year, we played in the Rose Bowl Parade. And we played in the Rose Bowl Parade, we saw Taylor Swift in something and she identified our drumline. And so basically, I'm famous.
Kent Melville: There you go. Alright. I am getting the green light here, but we have two other team members. Any fun stories or anecdotes that are shorter than Keith's that you want to share?
Kent Melville: No?
Alex Spyksma: We have never met Taylor Swift.
Kent Melville: Never met Taylor Swift. Perfect. Alright. Well, excited to have you all here and give it up one more time for Design Group, everybody.
Kent Melville: Alright. So, the moment you've all been waiting for. Waiting and waiting and waiting for. We now need to figure out which team gets to go first. And so for that, when we first switched this from the Build-a-Thon being a competition between Travis and Kevin, to going to our community and having integrators compete, our first two integrators to compete were Flexware Innovation and Vertech. In the house tonight. Give it up for them. Yeah.
Kent Melville: Alright. And that year, we created this coin, and you can see it on stage there. And we filmed a really fun video, where we actually went to a stadium and were able to film the team doing a coin flip to see who would get to pick the topic for what they would be building. At that point we, it was a little more structured. They had something specific they had to build. But we wanted to keep this coin as part of the Build-a-Thon because it's really cool. And so this year, we're actually going to be flipping this coin again for the teams to see who will get to go first. And so, we'd like to invite up Keith and Adrienne to come on down here. And Keith, we're gonna let you call it, and at this point, whoever is right, so if you called it right or if you called it wrong, then it'll be over here.
Kent Melville: You'll get to choose whether you want to go first or second. So a little gamesmanship here. You can decide, is it more advantageous to get the first say or the final say. Alright. So, before everybody says, I'm cheating and flipping or whatever, what I'm going to do or attempt to do, I will flip the coin, catch, and flip over onto my hand, and that will be it. But we need to say, would you like to be team Flexware or Vertech?
Keith Gamble: I think we're going to go with Flexware this time.
Adrienne Harvey: Alright. Great.
Kent Melville: Alright. Flexware, Vertech. We're going to see how this goes. Hopefully I don't drop it. Okay, coin flip. Those lights are bright. Here we go. Flexware. So, Design Group, would you like to go first or second?
Keith Gamble: Oh, second is best.
Kent Melville: Second is best. Alright. Well, then with that Corso, we're coming to you.
Adrienne Harvey: Alright.
Kent Melville: And so at this point, please go to your station, make sure your demo is all ready to go.
Adrienne Harvey: Let's fire up the timer.
Kent Melville: Yeah.
Adrienne Harvey: Alright. You got it.
Kent Melville: Alright, real quick, as they're making sure that they are all prepped and ready to go, we are going to be asking you to vote. So as a reminder, 'cause every year people are like, "You didn't explain how to vote clear enough." I've told you three times. But here we go. You're going to go, and in the app, you can go to schedule. You can go to the session down at the bottom, the last session, you can click on that one. And then in that there will be a little poll button. You can click on that. You'll be able to see the two teams and poll. In the Livestream, you can see down to the bottom, there's this little icon on the left-hand side. You can click polling and you can vote, too. So with that, I will turn it over to Corso systems for their presentation. You have seven minutes. We got seven minutes on the timer. And we'll go ahead and switch now so that they can see your screen here. And it's going to be great. And so you're going to be able to see their screen, but she'll also talk you through it, and you're going to actually get to see a live run.
Kent Melville: Who wants to actually see these panels in action? Yeah.
Kent Melville: Perfect. Alright. And so, you nervous?
Adrienne Harvey: I want to see that screen.
Kent Melville: Oh, there it is.
Adrienne Harvey: Alright here we go.
Kent Melville: You got it. It's all yours.
Adrienne Harvey: Okay. Well. In the spirit of the legendary Build-a-Thon, the Corso Systems team wanted to create an epic adventure for this final challenge, especially after navigating through all of those interesting lands depicted on that detailed map. We would like to welcome you to adventure mode. Alright. So, each of the golf balls that we have here are various colors in the hopper, and they represent a brave adventurer navigating their way through 15 locations, gates, in this case, to reach each one of six color-coded destinations at the end of their journey. So afterwards, we'll find out which of these adventurers will reach their guild's stronghold. Our main page is essentially a live status page. We'll start by choosing adventure mode and demonstrate a short example, perimeter quest, before we continue. These are normally much louder. Notice how each gate registers how many golf balls have passed through it, and how many reach their destination. Afterwards, with the new context menus feature, we can right-click on each gate to learn how many have, intrepid adventurers, have passed through with ad hoc trends. We can also view a pie chart to see the frequency of each state on each gate.
Adrienne Harvey: But before we proceed forward with too much analysis, let's design our next quest on the adventure planner. We have created a sophisticated planner to chart the courses of any number of adventurers, golf balls. So, we'll decide how many will be in each party and their quest destination. It might be protocol bay, shipping bay, data delta, the app building zone, history headlands, or the formidable testing towers. For each destination we can choose from a variety of possible paths. You'll see there, she's choosing from those different paths. And they're lit up on there, so you can preview each path, too. We can queue them up and we can name our adventure. In this case, of course, we are proud to plan the Elevate Expedition. Alright. And we are planning that right here, right now. This is fresh. This is live. Once that adventure is saved, we will go back to that live main page and we'll run it. Here we go. Hopefully it was a short one. Alright, so you'll see the party of adventurers includes random numbers of each or random members of each color-coded guild. This is a fun way of saying that we don't know which colors of golf balls will be dropped in a given party. But, we will find out if they arrive at the stronghold for their guild or not. We'll say that their guild is represented by the color of their cloaks, which is a fun way of saying color of golf balls.
Adrienne Harvey: So, like to see those cloaks. Now that the adventure has run its course or courses, we'll learn who was a skillful pathfinder that found their way to their guild stronghold or if they were a lost wanderer, over here on our epic metrics page. Now, you can see all of those destinations there with little pieces of the map to remind you of those destinations. By choosing our most recent run, we'll see the results of the Elevate Expedition that we just created in front of you. For example, let's take a look at a location. Let's see here. Oh, gosh. Well, in protocol bay, we only had one arrive, and it was someone that should have gone somewhere else. Goodness. They were very lost wanderers. And that's okay. But every run's metric can be viewed, so you may have some other runs in there that will show you some better stats. Maybe some wanderers with a little more of a clue, maybe a map. I guess these guys forgot the map. Anyway, we can still drill down further with the run history page. We open the run history page, we can relive nearly every detail of each run, including the mode, start time, end time, and which user initiated the run. We can also chart the path of each and every ball as the individual journeys are also displayed. So you'll see that kind of replay over there. Alright, well, let's go back to the main view page and show off some of those trends.
Adrienne Harvey: We ended up adding one Exchange resource, the Ad Hoc Trends by Inductive Automation's Matthew Raybourn. This Exchange resource is something we use in nearly every project at Corso Systems. In our Build-a-Thon project this week, we used it to configure the trends in the pop-ups on our current adventure status homepage. On the Ad Hoc Trends page itself, we can browse through the historical tags, including the destinations and gates, which are all instances of our UDTs. As we drill down through the data, we can double-click or drag the tags to view the tag history, including the count and state of each gate. The destinations also have their own historical counts. To build this project, we leveraged the power of Ignition Perspective, essentially out of the box. We spent the majority of our development time right in the designer. So we even began the project with Perspective Menu Nav template and this gave us navigation and basic page. Way to go. I'm noticing my time ran out, anyway, we kept many of our colors in default so we can show we can do light mode, dark mode right out of the box. So, one thing I'd like to say about Ignition Perspective, it helped make us all possible in a tiny amount of time with UDTs and parameterized templates. We started with a gateway and a database. That was it.
Adrienne Harvey: On a personal note, I'm honored to be on stage here with two extremely experienced teammates. Compared to them, I'm still new to Corso and to Ignition, but Perspective allowed me to leverage the skills I have from other fields, and I could actually help out our team quite a lot. Ignition Perspective is not just a tool for automation projects. It has the potential to expand the workforce in automation. Chaos mode.
Kent Melville: Thank you so much Adrienne. And are all of you able to see on your phones their submission to the Data Dash? Yes, I'm getting some feedback. Yes? Awesome. I haven't seen it. I'm sure it's great. Take that into account. Great presentation. Great to see what you guys built Monday and Tuesday, take a look at what you've got on your phones and decide. But don't decide yet. You've got to see one more team. We still need to see what Design Group has built. And so for that, Keith, come on down. We've got a fresh seven minutes on the clock and so he's ready. He's ready to go.
Keith Gamble: We're situated and ready. Well, Keith, take it away. So we were really excited to get into the Build-a-Thon and kind of learn what we were going to be working on. But up front we had no idea what to expect. And so we were really looking forward to how we could come up with something innovative and leverage Ignition more for the capabilities maybe not as often dug into. So right out the gate, one of the things we started with was fully containerized architecture using public project templates or architecture templates that just give you your container. You can start working, nothing in it, but you can have the actual gateway going. And so the thing that we are proud to announce is Groov Golf. And so if we go ahead and sign in, Alex, you can see the application that we have built is actually a golf tracking game that can allow you to go through and play standard play where you're able to actually pick where things are going and track your score. And occasionally you can also go to practice mode where things just kind of, you play as you go. And we have a pretty neat trick to help you improve your game as you go along. So, Alex, if you don't mind, let's go ahead and start a quick three-hole game of golf. So, as you can see, when we start the three-hole game, we've got our scorecard. It's telling us what we need to do. So right out the gate, maybe one thing we could want to do is, Alex, do you want to just take it?
Keith Gamble: We can adjust on this board. Can you take us all the way to that negative two over there, that possible hole-in-one? So, I can tell you right now there is a bug because that should be moving. And so, Alex, do you want to go make sure the OPC server is turned on? We did disable it while we were in the thing, so we did not turn anything on.
Keith Gamble: Yes. I believe in you, Alex. Alright. While that is happening, Alex, do you want to go ahead and hit this shot? It's going to go the wrong way, but that's okay. We can still show some cool stuff outside of that. Did you hear what I said? You didn't look or acknowledge. I guess now that I think about it, if he hits the shot, if it's not connected, it won't release the ball, so therefore nothing would happen anyway.
Kent Melville: So while that's going on, are you guys all going to see their project as well? In the app there on Data Dash, what do you think?
Kent Melville: Awesome? Yeah, give it up for them. Very cool.
Keith Gamble: Is it connected?
Kent Melville: And we'll give them a little extra time on the timer. We want them to be successful here, but it's coming. It's coming. Alright. You don't want to talk to me. Anyway, back to Keith.
Keith Gamble: Our apologies. While we were going through, we disabled it, because when you're not on stage, this thing is insanely loud. And so we've been sitting in a conference room letting it make our eardrums bleed for a while. So sorry about that. We thought we had it cleaned up, but here we go. So, Alex has set his path. So if you want to go ahead, drop the ball, we can track it and we see where it goes. Beautiful. Give it a nice highlight for you, so you're aware. Alex, do you want to go ahead and just maybe reduce it a little bit? Because if you notice, the more you set it, you actually are taking penalty strokes. And we wanna give you an opportunity to take a little bit of, take a gamble with your shot, pun intended, on my last name. And so, Alex, you want to go ahead and just let it drop, and we'll see this one go through as well. Falls through and then got only a bogey on that one. So we'll take that. And then, Alex, for sake of this one, we can just go ahead and save this one unfinished and keep rolling along. So we save this, and then the other thing we want to show off is practice mode, which is where we really get to show some interesting tools. So, Alex, do you want to go ahead and start a three-hole practice game just for now? So we toggle that, and then in practice mode, you can't actually go all the way through.
Keith Gamble: You're just at the range hitting the ball. So can you go ahead and hit it, Alex, and can we see what happens as you do that? So in practice mode, you can't actually set where anything is going to be. So all you have to do is follow the ball. But one of the innovative things that we did was we went through and actually put a significant amount of effort into adding a ball tracker that follows the ball as it's going through in practice mode and records that play. So, while you are practicing, you can go back and see where the ball has gone, learn how to improve your game, and so on and so forth. So, Alex, if you go ahead and save and leave this one at the moment, then maybe let's just arbitrarily pick. Let's pick that really bad game I did where I got a 36 on a par 15, and we'll go there and we can show them what looking at one of the actual runs was like in the past. So we can see here, okay, I got an eight that explains the poor play, but we're able to go back and actually recreate them in any different place. And if we wanna to see this one happen again, Alex could go ahead and I believe he can hit the shot and we can see what it looks like a second time and it'll show us what it's going to look like in real time.
Keith Gamble: So, not only are we tracking the ball to where we can record it, but even in practice mode, which it is not possible to track the ball through the PLC, we put a significant amount of effort into building that out through some complex scripting on the gateway side. We're able to provide that feedback to the user to really help them optimize their game. So, leaving outside of this, again, Alex, let's talk a little bit about our analytics. So really we wanted you to have a snapshot understanding of how you've been playing over time. So, our key metric that we're providing you as you play and improve is your handicap. So we're giving you a handicap over specific timeframes. You could look at other players if you want, but we're giving you that handicap so you can see and it's taking your average checks over time as a standard golf handicap would. We're then also pulling your score over time from different games. We're tracking where everything is landing, the penalty strokes that you took, aggregating everything together, and reporting on that. And then we give you your top three holes and your bottom three holes. So you can look at what you need to improve on versus maybe where you're already doing well.
Keith Gamble: So outside of this, the resource that we chose to put on the Data Dash was actually the Galton board itself. The nightmare of pipes that is sitting in the center of the screen was a very interesting thing to build, and so we wanted to share that with you guys, and then I'm sure it'll end up on the Exchange at some point, so you guys can make your own Galton board with it. So with that, thank you guys very much.
Kent Melville: Give it up for Design Group. Have you forgotten how to vote yet? So you're going to go, you're going to open up the app. Which, let's see, I already lost my slide advancement. Here we go. Perfect. So now is your time to vote. You've seen both teams. It's up to you to decide which team, is it going to be Corso Systems? Is it going to be Barry-Wehmiller Design Group? Please vote now. You can do so in the in-person app. Please go to the schedule, go to this session, and then go and click on the poll, and you can vote for your team. If you're on the Livestream, you can go on the left-hand side, down to the bottom, click polls, all that stuff. Please do that now, now, now, go. Travis and Kevin, while they're doing that, what do you think of each team? How are teams doing this year?
Kevin McClusky: Man, this is the first time I've seen these projects and the polish on this. The amount of work that they did over the last few days... This is just two days, basically 16, 17 hours that they spent on these, and just incredible. Both teams did a really, really great job. And I'm not voting this time. I'm not one of the teams, but if I was, I would have a hard time picking. Yeah.
Travis Cox: It is really impressive to know that they started from nothing. They started from scratch. They built these two projects. We gave them the board that was... We actually took too much time describing what the board was. So they're like, "Let's get to the build." And they did all of this in two days, came here and were able to show that off. I mean, it is absolutely incredible. It shows just how versatile Ignition is and how amazing these teams are.
Kevin McClusky: I love the medieval theme. I love the golf theme.
Kent Melville: Yeah.
Kevin McClusky: It's great.
Travis Cox: Hard to choose.
Kent Melville: Alright, you've had your chance to vote. At this point we're going to close the voting, and we're going to announce the winner here in a second. But for this, it's a fun thing of the Build-a-Thon. When you win a Build-a-Thon, you get one of these fancy orange jackets, as beautifully demonstrated here by Travis and Kevin. But, another thing is you get inducted into this community of people who have won the Build-a-Thon in the past. And each year, the people who get to bestow these new jackets to the teams are the winners from the previous year. And so, last year, Roeslein & Associates were our winners. And so we'd like to invite them out on the stage at this time, give it up for Roeslein so we can highlight the winners here.
Kent Melville: Awesome. Alright. Well, let me make sure we're good to go. Alright. So in a second, we're going to announce the winners. We'll have that team come up, and then we'll have them get their orange jackets. But with no further ado, I think it's up to me. I will go ahead and... Well, is it me? I advance the slide? No. And so I give you the winner. Oh, look at that. Congratulations, Design Group. Alright, and come on down, team. Alright, we'd like to invite the Roeslein team to please come out again and to give this team their jackets. Stepping behind. So formal.
Keith Gamble: Thank you, sir.
Kent Melville: Ready to go.
Kent Melville: Oh, they're swapped here on the size. Two different-sized men here.
Keith Gamble: Alex in the crop-top jacket.
Kent Melville: Alright. Now that they've pretty much got their jackets, give it up one more time for the 2023 Build-a-Thon winners. Barry-Wehmiller Design Group. Alright, now, Corso Systems also, please come join us on the front of the stage. Give it up for Corso Systems. Just a great Build-a-Thon. A great year. Two incredible teams. We will be back next year with two additional teams. We'll have some challenges for people to go through to qualify again. But at this point, we'd like to wrap up the Build-a-Thon. And not just the Build-a-Thon, but wrap up this year's ICC. It has been a pleasure being with you here this year. Thank you so much for coming out, and we hope to see you next year. Thank you.
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