Ignition Projects Wanted: Submit Yours to the Discover Gallery

From virtual reality to airport baggage handling, solar energy to oil and gas, Ignition is used everywhere, in all kinds of fascinating applications. As Co-Director of Sales Engineering, I’m lucky enough to see these projects out in the field on a regular basis, and I’m always impressed with the ways our customers innovate with our platform.



Ignition is especially exciting to work with because of the many capacities that it can be used in: visualization, controls, IIoT, plant management, enterprise systems, the list goes on. We love to celebrate innovation of all kinds at Inductive Automation, especially the ingenious projects that our customers build all over the world. 

That is why we created the Discover Gallery, a yearly showcase at the Ignition Community Conference where attendees can see the greatest and most innovative projects using Ignition. It’s our way of encouraging and honoring the brilliant minds working with Ignition. 




We invite members of our Ignition community to submit their top projects for consideration. Projects are then whittled down to a select few. Each winning project receives a full case study completed by Inductive Automation, which will receive a spot in the gallery, both onsite at the conference and on our website. They also receive an opportunity to win one of our Firebrand Awards, which are awarded annually to the top projects within the Discover Gallery.




Not only is the Discover Gallery a great way to bring visibility to your company, but it’s also an excellent way to commemorate your team’s hard work in the past year. At every ICC the impressive quality of the projects inspires our Ignition development process.

Submit Your Project

I’d like to invite you to consider submitting a project you’ve completed in the past year for the Discover Gallery. Now is a great time to start thinking about your submission! Whether you’ve never submitted, or you’re a Discover Gallery veteran, we want to see how you are leading with Ignition and celebrate your wins. 

See the submission page for details on the process. The deadline for applications is May 15th. 

Submit your project for the Discover Gallery here!

Chief Technology Evangelist / Inductive Automation
Travis Cox started with Inductive Automation in 2004 and previously served in leadership roles in various divisions including Co-Director of Sales Engineering. In his current role as Chief Technology Evangelist, Travis builds relationships with industrial professionals to foster innovation and raise awareness of industry trends, modern technologies, open standards, and the many possibilities of the Ignition platform. Travis shares the company’s vision far and wide to increase the growth and reach of the global Ignition community. He shares his message through a variety of formats, including presenting at conferences and events, meetings with customers and industry leaders, and media interviews.
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