Ignition v7.9.9: Smoother Mobile Connections & Over 40 Other Improvements
Things are very busy here in Inductive Automation’s software engineering division. We are working full speed on getting Ignition 8 done, and we hope you will be as excited as we are about all of its new features. But that doesn’t mean we’ve stopped working on Ignition v7.9. In fact, we’ve just released Ignition v7.9.9, which contains over 40 new features and bug fixes.
New Feature for the Mobile Module
One of the new features in Ignition v7.9.9 involves the Ignition Mobile Module. The Mobile Module allows you to use Ignition on mobile devices that can’t install Java, letting your users take Ignition wherever they need to go on the plant floor. In a perfect world, those devices would be on perfect networks that never drop connections, but that doesn’t happen in real life. When the project is set up for auto-login, users expect that the session will automatically reconnect, and they are frustrated when that doesn’t happen. However, you don’t want Ignition mobile clients to continually try to reconnect if your network is down for legitimate reasons.
To help with this issue, we’ve added a new Session Invalidation Retry Count property for your mobile projects. This lets you set the maximum number of times a client will reconnect after a session is invalidated and fine-tune it to your needs — high enough that your users will have a good experience when the connection is dropped, but low enough that Ignition is not continually trying to reconnect when there’s no hope that it will.

More Features, And Even More to Come
Ignition v7.9.9 also includes various improvements and fixes for the Vision Module, store-and-forward, scripting, expressions, and more. To see exactly what’s been updated, read the release notes or the Ignition user manual. To try it out, visit the downloads page. If you’ve got an idea for improving the Ignition experience, tell us about it in our ideas portal. We look forward to releasing Ignition v7.9.10 in the near future and telling you more about Ignition 8 at ICC!