Inductive Automation
News Room

News / March 09, 2010

How To: Install Ignition on Linux

Learn how to install and run Ignition as a service under Ubuntu 9

Ignition is cross-platform and available for multiple operating systems. Installing Ignition on Windows is extremely easy, you just need to run the Windows installer. Installing Ignition on other platforms, such as Linux, requires a few more steps.

The following directions will get Ignition installed and running as a service under Ubuntu 9.04 or Ubuntu 9.10.

Step 1: Download Ignition

To download Ignition for linux go to and download the latest:

  • for 32-bit Java Runtime Environment
  • for 64-bit Java Runtime Environment

If you are unsure, download

Step 2: Install Java 6 if not already installed

First, check to see if the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 is installed by executing the following command:

java -version

If the result is java version "1.6.X_XX" the correct version of the JRE is installed. If not, install JRE 6 with:

apt-get install sun-java6-jre

* Note: If you are running the 64-bit JRE download the mentioned in step 1.

Step 3: Install Ignition

You need to run the following commands as ROOT so either prefix all commands with 'sudo', run 'sudo su', or login as a root user. First, unzip the files to /usr/local/bin/ignition or any directory of your choosing:

unzip -d /usr/local/bin/ignition

* Note: you will need to replace 'XXXX' with whatever the acutal build number is from the downloaded file. Also, if you downloaded the 64-bit zip file unzip that one instead.

Change into the directory you unzipped to:

cd /usr/local/bin/ignition

Set executable permissions on and ignition-gateway

chmod +x
chmod +x ignition-gateway

Create a symlink to in /etc/init.d/ in order to install Ignition as a service:

cd /etc/init.d/
ln -s /usr/local/bin/ignition/ ignition
chmod +x ignition

Run the update-rc.d utility to install Ignition as a service:

update-rc.d ignition defaults

Now, you can start and stop Ignition with the following commands:

/etc/init.d/ignition start
/etc/init.d/ignition stop

Ignition will start automatically when the computer boots up from here on out. If you wish to stop this behaviour, in order to start and stop manually, then you need to use the update-rc.d tool to remove the service and delete the symlink we created earlier (NOT RECOMMENDED):

/etc/init.d/ignition stop
update-rc.d -f ignition remove
rm /etc/init.d/ignition

The Gateway Control Utility can be launched via the shell script in /usr/local/bin/ignition. It will need to be made executable first:

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ignition/

That's it, you are done! Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8088. Have fun with Ignition and if you have any questions please use the forum or call us at (800) 266-7798.