Firebrand Awards Ceremony (2015)
28 min video / 1 minute read Download Slides, PDFs, etc. (ZIP)Speakers

Don Pearson
Chief Strategy Officer
Inductive Automation
Cody Warren
Sr. Control Engineer
Tamaki Controls
Walker Reynolds
Manager of Operations
Trimax Systems, Inc.
Erik Gross
Systems Engineer
ECS Solutions
Andrew Carpenter
Senior Automation Engineer
Integrated Automation Ltd.
José Granero Nueda
Cofely - GDF SUEZ
Pierre McLean
Business Analyst
Gilles N'Guyen
Sales and Marketing Manager
Jeffrey DeCicco
ILS Automation
The conference concludes with the presentation of the 2015 Ignition Firebrand Awards, which honor the teams behind the most successful and innovative projects showcased in the Discovery Gallery.
Posted on October 1, 2015
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