ICC 2016 Firebrand Awards
61 min video / 1 minute read Download SlidesSpeakers

David Pitzer
Director of Automation
Tyrion Integration

Chris McLaughlin
SCADA & MES Specialist,
Enrico Aramini
HTC High Tech Consultant s.r.l
Chris VanRemoortel
Engineering Manager
Bixby International
Todd Ebright
Staff Engineer
Matthew Eaton
Senior Integrator
Kymera Systems
The Ignition community is made up of some of the most forward-thinking industrial professionals around. In this closing session of the conference, we will celebrate their spirit of innovation by honoring the best projects from the Discover Gallery with Ignition Firebrand Awards. At this rousing and informative panel discussion, hear from the people behind these award-winning projects as they discuss how they did it and what they are doing next with Ignition.
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