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webinar Food and Beverage

Unleashing ROI And Innovation With Ignition

No matter how you look at ROI, Ignition is the best choice for HMI, SCADA, and Digital Transformation software. In this webinar, you’ll find out why that’s true by hearing the experiences of industrial professionals who have worked with Ignition for years.

54 min video

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customer project Water/Wastewater

Electric Utility Expands Ignition System To Oversee Entire Transmission & Distribution Infrastructure

Northern Wasco County People’s Utility District (NWCPUD) had an existing Ignition installation with several projects built by OS Engineering for reporting meter data and operating two hydroelectric power generation projects. To complete their SCADA system, OS Engineering was selected to expand this Ignition installation to include monitoring for over 80 Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) across nine substations. NWCPUD wanted a single SCADA application to oversee all aspects of their transmission and distribution infrastructure, including KPIs and real-time data, along with reporting, alarming, and trending to aid in day-to-day operations.

10 min video

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customer project Water/Wastewater

Cloud-Based Control System Delivering Cost-Effective Solutions

Environmental Operating Solutions Inc. (EOSi) designed a reliable, cost-effective control system capable of being deployed quickly for both pilot and long-term projects with a minimal site footprint and impact to operations. Additionally, EOSi aimed to create a user-friendly interface accessible by remote and local personnel.

9 min video

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customer project Water/Wastewater

Island Water Utility Ensures Uninterrupted Service, Improves Compatibility & Scalability

Barbados Water Authority (BWA) implemented a comprehensive SCADA system using Ignition to monitor and manage 55 drinking water stations, nine wastewater stations, and two treatment plants. The project aimed to ensure the provision of uninterrupted and high-quality services while addressing operating system compatibility, scalability, and network issues. Aquatec-Automation designed the SCADA system using the Vision Module for desktop and the Perspective Module for the mobile application.

9 min video

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webinar Water/Wastewater

Empower Innovation With Unlimited Licensing

Discover the pure magic of an unlimited licensing model in this webinar, with examples of real-world projects that benefited tremendously from having unlimited tags, clients, screens, devices, and more, for one single, astonishingly affordable price.

55 min video

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customer project Water/Wastewater

Water Utility Seamlessly Transitions Operating Systems and Speeds Development

Design and develop a new treatment plant HMI to replace WinCC and condense third-party applications into one platform.

9 min video

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customer project Water/Wastewater

Lower Costs, More Data for Australian Water Agency with Over 300 Sites

A regional municipal council has implemented the next generation of remote telemetry monitoring and data-driven decision-making. This represents a significant step for the water industry in Australia and provides access to the same data-driven decision-making process used by large water authorities for a fraction of the cost. Since implementing the new system, the council has seen the commencement of significant cost reductions, improved planning, and data-driven decision-making

7 min video

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customer project Water/Wastewater

New SCADA and Greater Mobility for Large Water-Management Agency

The evolution of Réseau31 agents' missions requires more and more mobility and access to management and supervision tools using mobile terminals (smartphones, tablets). In addition, the rapid changes in the infrastructure to be monitored and operated (organic changes in the network, maintenance, new contracts, etc.) require frequent changes to the applications.

7 min video

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customer project Water/Wastewater

Largest Publicly Traded U.S. Water/Wastewater Company Benefits from Enterprise Solution

More organizations are bringing Information Technology (IT) and Operations Technology (OT) together to assist in business decisions at every level of the organization. American Water teamed up with Flexware Innovation and Automated Controls Concepts (ACC) to create an Ignition ecosystem for SCADA/HMI standards, central data collection and analysis, and integration with other backend systems to support data-driven decision-making across the company. This project was the first and largest-scale standardization of their operational technology systems, and consisted of converting an outdated SCADA system to a modern system that is ISA 101-compliant. Ignition Perspective and Cirrus Link MQTT modules were included as key parts of this solution.

9 min video

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webinar Waste Management

Turn Any Panel PC Into an Ignition HMI

The traditional human-machine interface (HMI) is a hardware-and-software solution used to view and track data in all kinds of industrial settings. Lately, supply-chain problems have led to long wait times when ordering traditional HMIs. But don't worry: It’s easy to turn any panel PC into an Ignition HMI solution, and in this webinar we'll show you how!

55 min video

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video Product  |  Water/Wastewater

Sustainable SCADA for Your Water Utility

Sales Engineering Manager Kent Melville explains how to build budget-friendly water SCADA systems with five small steps for sustainable SCADA.

46 min video

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webinar Manufacturing

The Art of Displaying Industrial Data

There is a huge amount of data out there and a great deal of power and insight that we can gain from it — if we can just bring it all into focus and make it more manageable. Many industrial organizations are accomplishing this by building sophisticated HMI, SCADA, and MES projects with the Ignition Perspective Module.

59 min video

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