Blog / Dante Augello

Dante Augello

Marketing Content Writer / Inductive Automation
Dante joined Inductive Automation at the beginning of 2022. His varied experience in technology, business, media, and electrical engineering offers a distinctive outlook on the automation industry. In his spare time he enjoys playing and recording music as well as hiking to great views.
Creating A Digital Transformation Roadmap Using A Unified Namespace Dante Augello Wed, 11/20/2024 - 09:30
Digital Transformation has become one of the most popular buzzwords in the automation industry, often used to describe any digital improvements to industrial technology. But what really is Digital Transformation, and how can your organization achieve it?
Expanding Horizons With The Mitsubishi Driver Dante Augello Tue, 10/24/2023 - 08:00
One of the core philosophies behind Ignition is breaking down barriers to connectivity and interoperability. Consequently, part of Inductive Automation’s mission is to enable Ignition to work with and easily connect to every possible device.