Ignition 8.1.39: Micro800 Driver, EAM Quality-Of-Life Improvements, Tab Indexing In Perspective Jennifer Faylor Tue, 04/09/2024 - 16:06
Ignition 8.1.39 includes the long-awaited Micro800 Driver, greater freedom and flexibility in the EAM, customizable tab indexing in Perspective, and more.
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Catch Up With Inductive Automation’s Top Content of 2023

It’s a common dilemma in our tech- and media-saturated world: So much content, not enough time. With so many choices and so much to do, we know that even when we release a webinar, art...

by David Dudley, Inductive Automation   -  December 13, 2023
Expanding Horizons With The Mitsubishi Driver Dante Augello Tue, 10/24/2023 - 08:00
One of the core philosophies behind Ignition is breaking down barriers to connectivity and interoperability. Consequently, part of Inductive Automation’s mission is to enable Ignition to work with and easily connect to every possible device.
Why PLCs Remain Essential to Modern Automation Aaron Block Wed, 11/03/2021 - 09:38
Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) led us into industry 3.0 about 50 years ago. Learn why PLCs are important for our new journey into industry 4.0.