Inductive Automation Blog

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Ignition 8.0.13: Tag Permissions, Project Exports, Certificates, and Themes Paul Scott Mon, 06/08/2020 - 14:31
It’s been full steam ahead for the development team here at Inductive Automation as they work on bringing more features and improvements to Ignition. Our newest arrival, Ignition 8.0.13, brings two new features in Ignition Perspective, an improved feature for handling security certificates, and Theme redesign. Other features are focused on the platform, giving you better security management for tags and an improved method for exporting projects. Read on to get more details.
Ignition 8.0.10: Perspective Report Viewer, Concurrent Designers, Ignition Edge Updates Paul Scott Thu, 03/19/2020 - 16:00
The release train is chugging right along as Ignition 8.0.10 rolls into the station. After making a quick course correction with Ignition 8.0.9 (more about that in the next paragraph), 8.0.10 puts things back on track by introducing two new community-requested features and rounding out our Ignition Edge updates.