Inductive Automation Blog

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Ignition 8.1.28: Mitsubishi Driver, Custom Vision Touchscreen Keyboard, Tag Report Tool Update Aaron Block Thu, 06/01/2023 - 14:49
Ignition 8.1.28 is traveling in style, delivering a cross-continental bounty that includes the much-anticipated Mitsubishi driver, an overhauled Vision Touchscreen Keyboard, “OR” support for the Tag Report Tool, and much more.
Ignition 8.1.19: Designer Documentation Update, Launchers Update, New Tag Search Tool, and Other Improvements Arnell Ignacio Thu, 07/28/2022 - 13:28
The latest Ignition release train has arrived, bringing numerous quality-of-life updates and exciting improvements to Perspective, Vision, and more!
Ignition 8.1.18: Major Scripting Update, Perspective Upgrades, and Other Improvements Arnell Ignacio Fri, 06/17/2022 - 11:39
Can you believe it? Summer is right around the corner even though it feels like 2022 just barely started. Following the hefty release of Ignition 8.1.17, the release train was primed to roll into the station carrying another major update. Ignition 8.1.18 brings significant improvements to scripting in the designer, feature updates to the Perspective Module, and other improvements in Ignition.