Inductive Automation Blog

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Featured In: Events

ICC X Recap: The Best of Both Worlds

Every year, the Ignition Community Conference gets bigger. That means more attendees, more sessions, and more insights. But ICC X — our tenth annual gathering of the worldwide Ignition...

by Aaron Block, Inductive Automation   -  October 05, 2022
IA’s Top Content of 2021: Our Biggest Webinar, Case Study, ICC Sessions & More David Dudley Mon, 12/20/2021 - 08:10
In a challenging year like 2021, when in-person events were rare, and remote work and virtual interaction became more common, our content program was a vital link between the Inductive Automation team and the Ignition community. In the midst of all of the disruption, we saw the community rise to new challenges, seize opportunities, feed its hunger for knowledge, and leverage the Ignition platform in new ways. This year’s content reflects what the community was doing with Ignition and what they were most passionate about, so let’s look at the content pieces that captured the most attention.