Inductive Automation Blog

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from Inductive Automation

Ignition 8.1.8: Visualization Updates, Expression Language, OPC UA, Docker and Much More Arnell Ignacio Wed, 08/04/2021 - 13:03
Moving at a steady pace, the release train has been on the go since Ignition 8.0 was introduced to the world. With all the far reaches the train has traveled, occasionally it needs to come in for maintenance and get a tune-up. Ignition 8.1.8 brings some maintenance updates and "fit and polish" to Ignition, helping to improve stability, quality-of-life, and workflow. Many of the updates in 8.1.8 range widely, touching upon visualization, expressions, and OPC UA, just to name a few.
We’re Calling on the Community for the 2021 Build-a-Thon & Exchange Challenge Kevin McClusky Wed, 07/07/2021 - 09:50
In our ICC 2021 announcement, we mentioned that this year marks the historic return of the Build-a-Thon. When we chose “Evolve” as the theme for this year’s conference, we picked it for a reason: We’re taking the Build-a-Thon to its next evolution!
Ignition 8.1.6: Perspective Updates, Scheduling Scripting Events, and OPC UA Diagnostics Paul Scott and… Tue, 05/25/2021 - 14:54
Important Update: After publishing this blog post, we found a notable issue in 8.1.6 and removed that build from our downloads page. We have released 8.1.7, which contains the new features in 8.1.6 as well as the fix for the reported issue. More information is available in our Help Center.
Meet Kathy: Software Engineering Department Manager, Mentor, Hiker, and Professional Quilter Lauren Walters Fri, 05/21/2021 - 08:51
Software Engineering Department Manager Kathy Applebaum knows a thing or two about development, whether that means building in Ignition or helping her students at Sacramento State University gain the skills they’ll need to succeed. Since joining Inductive Automation back when there were only a half-dozen developers, she has casually broken barriers and refuted misconceptions about women in technology. Most of all, Kathy has remained grounded, still wide-eyed about her ability to take an idea and make it a reality, plus have fun doing it.